9. Goodbye

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Chapter 9

Tessa's POV

I placed a kiss on top of Holly's furry little head as I was just about to leave the apartment. I had tears in my eyes; I was going to miss my little cat so much!

"Don't cry Tessa!" Dan said. "Holly will be fine, she's got her servants coming over to take care of her"

"I'll miss her though!" I said, hugging her tightly to my chest.

"More than me?!" He exclaimed in fake horror.

"Way more than you, my god", I replied, rolling my eyes, then smiling at him.

"Dick", he said.

Dan's parents were going to come over the following day once Dan had left for Australia to pick up Holly so she could stay at their home while we were gone. They were the type of 'grandparents' to me that were just so incredibly loving; Holly was always fattened up a little more after her stays with them.

"Right, let's get you going then!" He smiled. "En route to the airport madam"

I grinned, slinging my bag onto my back and giving Holly a final kiss. Dan took my suitcase for me and I turned around to look at the apartment.

"Farewell apartment, see you in a few weeks", I said.

Dan chuckled before following me out to the corridor, I waited as he locked the door and then we made our way down the building and across to the car park.

"Tessa!" I heard, as Dan and I walked into the airport a little later on. Typical London traffic had made us a little late, but not too much so luckily.

I looked around to see Louis and Christina with their families, waiting for us.

"Hi Dan!" Christina called excitedly.

I laughed and nudged him, his admirer was on top form today. "Hey Christina!" He called back, laughing too. I saw Christina's older sister dig an elbow into her side and wink. Christina made her crushes so obvious.

"Chris look, I'm wearing the earrings you bought me!" I said as we all met. She engulfed me in a hug and inspected them, grinning.

"They suit you", she smiled.

"I promise I'll buy you something soon", Louis piped up.

I shook my head, "I don't mind, but thank you", I grinned, stepping over to wrap my arms around him.

"Have a fabulous time you three!" Christina's Dad grinned.

"Don't worry, it won't just be the three of them", Dan said. "Tessa's tour crew will keep them in check"

"They better had!" Louis' mum said.

"Mum, what do you think we're going to get up to?!" Louis asked, laughing.

"Well you can never be too sure with you rambunctious teenagers!" She replied.

"Tessa's too small to get into any trouble don't worry everybody", Dan said.

"Dan! Shut up, I'm not that small!" I said, pretending to aim a punch at his arm. He flinched away, using my suitcase as a shield, making us all laugh.

"Eyyyy Dan's getting attacked!" I heard the distinctive tone of Kyle's voice call over. I shot around to see him and Janna walking up to us.

"KYLE!" I shouted, running up and jumping on him. He caught me and posed for a moment in a dramatic ballet position. "Ugh, too beautiful for my eyeballs", I said as I pretended to faint in his arms.

"Man, you never said you'd be here, nor you Janna!" Dan said, grinning, hugging them both as I hopped out of Kyle's arms.

"We've come to bid our farewells to the awesome trio and to of course wish Tess good luck!" Janna said.

"Thank you guys!" Louis said.

Kyle went over and patted him on the back and hugged Christina. "Have a great time you lot"

"The Woodster and Lord Farq weren't able to come, but of course you know that they send their good luck wishes", he said.

I grinned, nodding.

After some more chatting we remembered we had a flight to catch and so began the goodbye ceremony again. Dan wrapped me up in a hug, one of the biggest hugs I think he'd ever given me and I squeezed him tightly back, temporarily hiding myself in the chest of his jumper. As we broke apart he took something from his coat pocket and placed it in my hand, grinning.

"A good luck present", he said.

"Thank you!" I smiled, looking down at it. "Can I open it before I go?"

"If you're quick", he replied.

I quickly tore the paper off, it was a little stuffed toy of a kitten with the words 'Best Sister Ever' sewn onto it. I knew he'd bought it from WHSmith as I'd seen a few in there not too long ago, I remember thinking it was very sweet and a typical thing that Kyle would buy me; even if it did say 'Best Sister' on it.

"Dan, it's so cute thank you!" I grinned, looking up at him.

"It's a cat!" Kyle exclaimed.

I laughed, "Kyle's rubbing off on you Dan"

I quickly placed it into my bag and was engulfed in hugs by the others before we had to get going.


"New York here we come!" Christina cried excitedly, a little later, as the three of us sat in our seats on the aeroplane. It was taxying round from it's parking area and I was holding the little toy kitten from Dan in my hands on my lap, feeling ridiculously excited.

"You guys are totally going to treat this as a holiday aren't you?" I laughed to them both.

"Well, duh!" Louis grinned.

"I'm mildly terrified right now at the thought of performing on my own in freaking America!" I said, the reality of it hitting me as the plane got further and further away from the airport.

I felt both Louis and Christina take my hands and I smiled.

"Don't stress about that right now", Louis said. "We haven't even left London yet so don't panic!"

"Thanks Lou", I grinned.

Soon enough the plane was roaring down the runway and took off smoothly into the clear blue sky. I leant over Louis as he had the window seat, and peered out with him to see our beautiful city becoming smaller and smaller. I looked down at the airport and suddenly felt how incredibly far I'd be from my family; Dan, and Holly of course. I'd never travelled abroad without him before, or on my own for that matter. Although I had my two best friends with me it was an odd feeling seeing that building become a tiny dot as we soared into the sky, knowing already Dan was miles and miles away and I felt my self squeezing the little toy cat as I watched it all.

"Shift over guys I've been dying to take a photo", Christina said a little bit later.

I sunk back in my seat to let her lean over on top of me and Louis to take some photos of the cloudy view outside, the wing of the aeroplane speedily slicing through it with ease. After taking quite a few she returned to her seat and happily sat there editing them ready to post on Twitter.

A couple of hours into the flight and we'd bought numerous tubes of Pringles, pretzels, cookies and bags of crisps on top of the many Pepsi's and hot chocolates. The three of us were snuggled up under a blanket the cabin crew had kindly given us, and were all watching the same film on each television screen in front of us.

"This is already the best holiday I've ever been on", Christina whispered in my ear, and I nodded in agreement.

"Although it's not totally a holiday", I grinned, making her chuckle.

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