15. Collapsed

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Chapter 15

Tessa's POV

It was all going so smoothly, everything was as normal as it ever was on tour. It came out of the blue, like a smack to the face. A pretty harsh one. 

It was the morning after Dan and the lads had left, they were well into their long flight to Melbourne.

"Tessa? Tessa! Shit, Christina go and get somebody", I could hear Louis' voice somewhere in the distance, and then the pain shot through my body like a sudden bolt of lightning.


Louis' POV

It happened so quickly I hadn't had time to catch her. Tess, Christina and I were walking down from the hotel room we were staying in, to go to lunch with a journalist wanting to interview Tessa. Her manager was waiting in the lobby downstairs as per usual; we were running late, as per usual! We were running down the long corridors trying to find the lifts in the maze of the hotel, Tess was ahead of us as she'd left the room first, I saw her near a corner when she began to slow down. I saw her hold an arm around her chest, the other flew out for support from the wall. Next thing I knew she was lying on the ground, passed out.

Christina had run to go and get help, I attempted getting Tessa into the recovery position, grasping desperately at any knowledge at all that I had of first aiding. 

"Tessa! Tess, can you hear me?!" I cried, shaking her shoulder. 

I checked for any injuries from the impact of falling to the ground, and luckily it appeared she hadn't sustained any asides from a nasty bruise she'd probably have on the back of her head. Then again, I was no doctor in the slightest!

"Tess please", I said urgently, trying to shake her back into consciousness. 

I knew immediately what was the cause of this - her heart. What had happened exactly?! She's fit and healthy, that surgery totally fixed her. I placed my ear to her chest and listened for her heartbeat; faint and slow... neither were good signs. I grabbed her hand and felt for her pulse; the same.

It seemed like hours before Christina arrived with Tessa's manager and a couple of the hotel staff. They took one look at her and looked to me sat down on the ground next to her.

"We need to call an ambulance", one of them said.

After that it was a rush, all I wanted was for Tessa to wake up and for Dan to be there with her. I know out of anybody in the world, she'd want him the most. When the paramedics arrived it was terrifying and all too real and it was such a contrast to how the tour had been going.

"I need to contact Dan", Tessa's manager said as we followed the medical crew taking Tessa through the hotel on a stretcher.

"I'll try calling him", I said.

Five minutes into the ambulance journey and nobody could contact Dan or any of the lads - nobody could contact the crew over in Australia too.

"Hang on... I think I know why we can't get through", Christina said, holding back tears in the back of the ambulance, watching over Tessa.

"Why?" I asked.

"The storm, over in Melbourne, the one that caused their flight to be brought forward yesterday", she replied.

"Fuck", we said in unison.

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