Chapter 5

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The three cats have walked for a good while and finally made it to the lake.

Ice's paws pricked with excitement as she could smell all kinds of cats from the wind. She ran forward, too excited to hold it back. Teeth grabbed her tail and hauled her back and growled "That's RiverClan territory! If we go in there, we will be ripped to shreds!" Patch paw quicken his pace to match RoachClaw's and asked "Why? And wheres ShadowClan? I'm tired!"Ice whined too "Yeah! My feet hurt!" RoachClaw snorted "If you want to be warriors, you gotta be more able to action your speed to walk long distances."

Ice followed her father around RiverClan, pressing her pelt to Patch's. A group of slender cats trotted up to three cats and started snarling and growling "Get out!" "No hunting here!" "Go Away!" The cat that last spoke turned to Ice and Patch, sneering "Welcome little warriors, here to fight?" Ice backed up under RoachClaw and hissed lightly. Patch was still where he was, hissing and spatting. The same cat looked at the ShadowClan cat and snickered "Your kits?" RoachClaw nodded straight away and growled "Yep! Your getting neither of them!" The cat growled "Wait until battle, little ones, and mouse dunged fur ball!" RoachClaw let out a huge hiss and dug his claws into his claws into the marsh soil. Ice whimpered and backed under his belly fur while Patch stood his ground.

While the cats padded away into their own territory, RoachClaw let out a huge huff and padded toward ShadowClan area. Ice was like hugging her father, she was so close to him in fear. Patch was puffing next to them, boasting "I would have tor them to pieces if I got the chance!"


A kitten's way to ShadowClan (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now