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Admin ~ hey guys I'm very new to the writing world so don't be too harsh on me .... please ^_^' also if you ave any good criticism please do tell. Oh and one more thing please ignore the grammar I'm horrible and well enjoy the book - K.M


What would you do during an apocalypse? It doesn't have to necessarily be a zombie invasion, apocalypse just means the end of a world you once you knew but really what would you do? Would you hide, cower or maybe just die outright, would you do everything you were never allowed too and more before you die or maybe who knows you might be one of the rare few who are strong enough to survive, to fight back.

I rushed down the hall alarms going off and other scientists and guards running back and forth, there had been an escape experiment #4 to be exact, a monstrous thing really it would have been easier to kill off if it wasn't for the fact that it was highly contagious, It was the one experiment with such a high intelligence rate.

Currently, this monster was hiding in the lab, after destroying the tracking collar, which is a major inconvenience as if you were to accidently come in to contact with it, you were most likely to suffer a very painful death, courtesy of the saliva it happens to drool in unfavourable amounts.

See the saliva absorbs into the skin then proceeds to burn you alive on the inside of course causing an agony so great it paralyses you and then once you are successfully stopped the saliva then bunches (almost like a living organism) together under your skin and seeps into your veins and blocks your blood off to your heart giving you in turn a heart attack the most dangerous thing though is

that it takes five minutes before the saliva reacts therefore if you don't see the monster you have no way of knowing who you bumped into is the monster, wouldn't you notice so much saliva being drooled you say well this saliva has a more water like consistency and you would be surprised how many brush it off as water or ignore it. It pains me sometimes how oblivious the human species is, and worst there is no cure so far making subject #4 a very deadly monster indeed.

I stop at a door bolted tight with a 2-meter thick metal. I then proceed to knock on the door in a tapping pattern before entering a code into the lock and scanning my eye and identification card standard procedure of course. As I walk in I notice three other people and two guards.

"Ah Professor you're here," I look over my glasses to my colleague Dr Ventaur.

"It seems I am," I reply accordingly and a little bit annoyed we were wasting precious time with formalities.

"Obviously you all know that we have reached a problem, so I have come to one conclusion. After going through all plans of action, we are proceeding with the original plan albeit faster than presumed," I stated.

"But you don't know what could happen!" Vince yelled his brown eyes widening, Vince Moorcat our young protégée, although he was young and a bit of an annoyance he had a brilliant mind exactly what we needed it helped that he came from a family of money ensuring our projects continuation.

Too bad the poor lad had a big mouth it will cause him problems in the future, I turn and look to our superior the leader of all this "sir?" I ask.

He tilts his head with his hand resting of his face "hmm, very well the stage is set already let the play begin, Release the monsters." Though his face was hooded no one could miss the large smirk as the sounds of screams could be heard from in the safe room as the experiments were released.

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