chapter 1 - damn assignments!

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* casually watching the x-files while eating chips, slouched over a chair in darkness then turns hearing a sound and glances over at the readers looking on in disapproval*

K.M- *sweat drops and jumps up wiping crumbs of shirt* haha didn't see you guys there, oh your wondering why the next chapter isn't up yet oh haha. *scratches head* well you see i've kinda been busy....

Reader- *raises eyebrow and taps foot*

K.M * hangs head* never mind i'll just get the chapter up * walks away into the "effort" room*

sorry guys I was meant to update Friday but got a little sidetracked >.>    <.<     ^._.^ watcha gonna do but low and behold here it is enjoy ;p ~ K.M

Chapter 1

Kyra P.O.V

"Oi idiot, what's the answer to question three?" I whispered heatedly narrowing my eyes at my best friend Mae while keeping an eye on my maths teacher Ms Haggard the Hard ass.

I swear just sneezing while taking a test can send you to detention and I'm pretty sure she's trying to get a petition to get corporal punishment back in. God knows how much she would love to beat all of the students black and blue for just existing and disturbing her quiet morning.

"How would I know, you of all people should know how much I bullshit all these questions," whispered Mae my crazy partner in crime and self appointed best friend, now don't let those puppy brown eyes fool you she's a small psychopathic killer. Get on her bad side and your guaranteed death.

"Come on dude seriously when I actually need you most in life you disappoint me," I sigh shaking my head mockingly, she just pokes out her tongue in reply; I turn my head to my other side and mentally shout while burning my eyes into Eliza hoping she could become telepathic for this one second. She shifts uncomfortably for a bit probably sensing someone (me) staring before after 3 battle-hardened minutes she turns to look at me 'what' she mouths.

"What's the answer to question three?" I whisper again hoping her good morale's about cheating will not interfere, I mean don't get me wrong she's my other best friend and she can be just as much as an devil when she's not being a goody two-shoe angel.

She hums for another minute giving me chance to glance at the clock and to realise that I didn't have that long left, especially with Ms Haggard's piercing eyes, I feel sorry for the kid in the second row as he realises she's staring at him even from the back row where I am I can see his nervous hand shakes and a drop of sweat roll down his neck I notice all my other classmates staring as well at the poor guy 'R.I.P kid' I swear we all just thought in unison.

Finally pulling myself back to attention I look back at Eliza for her answer, Eliza glances to check that Ms Haggard isn't watching before mouthing 29 then she abruptly turns back to her own work.

"That bitch," I mutter realising she gave only half an answer to the question and I can't use it without the teacher knowing for sure that I cheated "damn," I whisper to myself again I quickly glance to the clock again.

Five minutes are left and more than half the class are finished the test, I've got to finish the test so I put my battle face on and proceed to finish my test of death.

"I'm sure you did great on the test," Mae smirks at me I just huff back at her not even bothering to reply, not that she would have done that much better she just doesn't care what score she gets.

Eliza just glances at me sympathetically, psh yeah right that spawn of Satan just couldn't give me an answer. We were heading to lunch it was bright and sunny outside so we decided to head for the nice, concrete path to sit down, considering Mae has a fear of grass- don't ask.

"Did you hear there is geneticist is coming to the school and giving a demonstration on the abilities of genetics," Eliza enthusiastically shouted,

"Whoa, calm down your tits woman," Mae grumbled stealing a piece of my sandwich, I glare at her and flick her the middle finger she just sticks her tongue at me.

"So what's so great about that?" I question, I'm not that great at science and usually Eliza has to dumb it down for me, basically meaning I'm academically challenged and she's a nerd.

" oh no, now you've done it its speech time," Mae muttered.

" In our lifetime we are privileged beings, we are at a time in scientific history were we are able to modify our genes and manipulate what we can look like and especially one day we can create a bloodline free of genetic dysfunctions and illnesses," Eliza rattled on, realizing this could go on for a while I cough and decided to change the subject before there was no going back.

" So this scientist what's their name?" I inquired eager to get to escape any more speeches from Eliza, though surprisingly Mae answered my question.

"Finnley Bonoviche, quite the popular guy in his field though it probably helps that he's hot too then again the hot one's usually end up having a dark secret," Mae suddenly stands up and brushes the dirt of her jeans her waist length brown hair glinting in the sun and warm, chocolate eyes.

The biggest annoyance for me is how easy to handle Eliza's and Mae's hair is, both have straight hair easily brush able which kills me little inside. Eliza has blondish, brown hair the nice kind and cool reef coloured eyes compared to my unruly red hair usually left to its devices in a pony tail and my soft green eyes 'quoted from my nanna I swear' I'm not complaining though as I definitely got away from being hit by the ugly stick.

" Where are you going?" Eliza asked lifting her eyebrows, I was a bit surprised to see Mae walking away she treasures her free time at lunch.

"I have to go and write my English assignment that I didn't hand in," Eliza and I stared disapprovingly at her, as she should have handed that in two weeks ago,

Mae just shrugged in response, remaining cool under our laser stares.

"Really? Fine just don't get into anymore trouble okay," I say stuffing the rest of my sandwich in my mouth.

"Don't worry I'll be okay," she starts to walk away before she pauses and seems stand and think about something before she turns to look at Eliza and I with a glint in her eye.

"Guys I am so awesome I have just come up with the prank of the year, you guys should be so glad to have one such as I as your best friend," she gleans with pride and gave a mock curtsey.

"Oh no," I sigh " what is it this time," most of Mae's ideas never turn out well for me or Eliza trouble is the only word remotely correct in describing Mae.

"This never ends well but I dare to ask what is this 'awesome' plan of yours," Eliza dejectedly asks most likely remembering all the other stunts Mae pulled, if you ever remember the time chickens ran amuck at the tuckshop or the time when all the teachers cars had been spray painted pink.

Especially not mention the time Tommy Firch a guy harassing Eliza disappeared during lunch and was found later in a closet by the janitor constantly whispering The cats! The Cats! they're coming for me which freaked me out considering I knew who scarred him seriously Mae had a huge grin the entire lunch and period 5 class he was missing ,then you know this plan will never end well and to never mess with Mae's friends.

" Were going to prank the scientist," Mae grins mischievously, watching as Eliza and I groan simultaneously already dreading what is to come.

Then Mae frowns "But first my assignment needs to be done, damn."

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