chapter 3- lets become the monsters

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Hey guys its k.m here .....I know I completely missed the update on Friday I gotta little distracted, oh whale here it is an-

Mae- Dude just get on with it and show my awesomeness already my fans are waiting *turns and smirks at screaming fans with I love you signs* 

Kyra- *blinks* where did they even come from, wait where did we even come from * looks around* what is this place I'm so confused all I wanted was taco's.

Eliza- Yes I'm quite sure this just about breaks all the laws of physics an-

K.m- *ties everyone up and shoves them into a closet* phew they can be so annoying anyway onto the book enjoy ^_^ ^  

When I first opened my eyes I noticed three things, One I was in immense pain, Two we were all still in the supply closet and three I was the only one awake.

I groaned, " this sucks balls," I muttered to myself stumbling and wobbling trying to stand up as I did a wave of dizziness washed over me almost causing me to puke my guts out.

I did finally manage to get to Eliza and Mae who were covered in cuts similar to mine " Guys, Guys come on wake up," I said tapping and pushing them.

Eliza was the first to wake up though she wasn't really much help considering she just sat there staring into nothing, blinking slowly though when Mae finally came around she started to get up and become more aware of her surroundings.

" Man if this is what a hangover feels like I'm never going to drink alcohol ever," Mae said massaging her head and when she finally looked up about to say something she froze her mouth open staring at me "what?" I asked getting a bit worried by her reaction.

" Eliza what's wrong with her," I said getting a bit worried, she sighed and turned to look at me before freezing too this was getting really worrisome.

" Seriously guys what's up," I said getting frustrated. Mae swallowed before saying " Have you always had a gold eye," she said staring intensely at me.

" Ah what?" I tilted my head, That's when Eliza stepped in " your left eye is gold coloured you have literally two different coloured eyes," she said looking intrigued by this new development.

I stood blinking idiotically before realisation set in " Huh ! what !" I stumbled out incoherently and quickly glanced around the room spotting one of the leftover steel shelves and tried to look into it. Right there on my face my left eye was gold,

" What is going on," I muttered, bewildered by this occurrence.

" I think a more suitable question is 'what is happeneing'," Eliza finally decided to pipe up " I'm sure you guys have known for a while now that we are still in the supply closet and no has found has, don't you think that's weird considering we have to have been gone for at least a few hours now," Eliza said going around and inspecting the room.

" And not only that but I'm assuming we all remember the explosions and panic before we blacked out and now its eerily quiet and not to mention the unknown substance that was spilt on us, so just what is going on?" Eliza finally concluded.

Mae looking serious for once as well added " This is definitely not normal , so I have a suggestion," Eliza both glanced to each other in surprise, our Mae was finally maturing what a relief.

" Lets all come out of the closet," she smirked at the end aand she's back I guess I know who is going to be bait if anything tries to kill us.

" Well I guess that's the most simple solution,' I nodded before turning to Eliza

" You ready to go," I ask.

" Hang on just give me a couple seconds," she replies, then goes rummaging around the room picking up old chemicals and bits and pieces before putting them in a makeshift blanket bag, I just raise and eyebrow in response.

" Hey you never know when you need to make a bomb," she defended herself.

" Riiight," I go along whereas Mae nods her head approvingly.

" Okay lets go," I say and open the closet door, it was a mess its even more likely to say a hurricane went through, papers, debris and desks were all scattered down the hallway along with scattered glass.

" Come on," I wave to the others behind me and we all start walking down the eerily quiet hallway.

" This is so weird, what's happened?" Eliza questions, before we all pause at the sight of blood smeared down the staircase to the entrance of the school.

" Well some one had a pretty bad period, " Mae smiles nervously, I hardened myself when there's this amount of blood you can expect a body.

" Let's keep going," I pushed forward and as we reached the bottom of the stairs we heard a crunching sounds.

I motioned for them to be quiet and peered around the corner, there was no words but monster to describe it, it was about six feet tall with large saber-tooth style canines in a big cat like face and also scaled skin that looked tough to pierce and humanoid shaped hands and feet overall a true monster looking beast.

I looked down to what it was munching on and almost vomited the non existent food in my stomach, a person, a person was what is was eating and probably the owner of the blood on the staircase.

Looking around some more I noticed more bloodstains and stray body parts, deciding not to mess with it I turned back around quietly motioning for Eliza and Mae to be quiet we crept back up the stairs before all sighing.

" What the hell was that," Mae cried " It was eating a person, a person!"

" Shh it might hear than we will be the ones becoming a snack," I reprimanded Mae though I wasn't so hot myself.

" She's right Mae we need to be quiet," Eliza agreed " Also as to what that thing is my best guess is a hybrid, but even then how, and why is something like that here," Mae pondered still green at seeing something so gruesome.

" In any case we have no time to be horrified or scared we need to survive and get out of here to somewhere safer, anywhere safer and the best bet to do that is finding food and weapons," I stated already trying to think ahead.

" The sports shed in the indoor gymnasium is the best area for weapons and closest but we have to go back down stairs and get past the monster," Eliza said narrowing her thinking " And the cafeteria is near the library on the other side of the school where we can run into who knows how many of those things," Eliza finished.

" We have no choice this is our only option and if it means the risk of becoming a snack I'd rather try than slather myself in sauce," I shot back.

" Well I know I'd rather try and beat the shit out of them than wait to become fast food, Lets do this," Mae looked us in the eye then put her hand in front of herself.

Eliza and I looked at each other then nodded in consent putting our hands in front of us " Then let's become the monsters," Mae smirked sadistically.

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