chapter 4 - crazy teachers

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Hi guys well the few who read my book at least <_<.. >_> it's been a while I would have updated sooner but well no motivation hahahaha...ha...a well in any case it would mean a lot if you guys who do read and like my book (hopefully) could give some advice and ideas, keeps the creative juices flowing ....don't take that the wrong way.... please it would really help. Though votes usually help motivation too and red velvet cupcakes lot's of red velvet cupcakes... okay now commencing Crazy Teachers! 

We crept back down the staircase much more prepared for what we were going to see and see we did more aware of our surroundings now we all noticed the leftover body parts and blood trail we all held in our sounds of disgust better to see this than be it I thought.

Although Mae spoke bravely I could see she was barely holding it together and Eliza wasn't one to do anything dangerous first so guess who was left.

I crept forward glancing around the wall again locating a doorway directly opposite that led to the staff lounge and a short cut to the indoor sports gymnasium.

Now we just need to get past the monster guarding the door like a true keeper I thought sarcastically. Before seeing it curled up to the right in a corner down a hallway, between a locker and a bin luckily asleep for now.

Motioning the others forward I kept moving making sure to avoid glass and chairs and other potentially loud objects if provoked, we were a little more than halfway when Eliza decided she had to be that one goddam person in a movie with the potential to kill us all.

Thump the sound of her falling flat on her ass after slipping on blood not only being loud enough for sleeping beauty to wake up but also loud enough that the monster sleeping would be sleeping no more, we all froze as it's eyes shot open staring directly at us.

" Shit." Mae's eyes widened in horror, frozen in place instinctually hoping no movements means that it might ignore her and move on, no such luck.

" Run!" I yelled pushing Mae ahead while helping Eliza up and running, the monster jumped up it's response lagged by being half asleep though it didn't help as much as we hoped it quickly gained ground on us .

My heart pounded in my ears as adrenaline rushed through my veins we just made it to the door Mae pulling it open and getting through just as the monster arrived tackling Eliza who was close behind me.

"Eliza!" Mae and I cried and though the beast overpowered her she through sheer luck managed to land near one of the discarded chairs. With a battle cry she shoved the chair between her and the beast, it saved her buying precious seconds.

" Mae stand buy the door find something to keep it shut for us when we come back be prepared," I commanded taking charge.

Mae nodded in agreement and rushed ahead, while I did another quick scan of the room locking on to a big jagged piece of glass 'it will have to do' I thought grimly as I ran forward.

Eliza was barely hanging on, the chair was splintering and wouldn't last long with beast mauling and roaring at her savage instensity, reaching the glass I hung onto it tightly feeling it's sharpness piercing my skin.

'well if I die, I hope I at least make a good burger for the damn animal' I pondered thinking of the advertising to go with it A HUNDRED PERCENT FRESH HUMAN QUICK AND EASY TO GOBBLE RIGHT UP.

Making a running head start I leapt onto the back of the thing with a battle cry, as soon as it felt my weight it immediately started twisting and turning trying to claw me off its back it managed to graze through it's efforts.

 While trying to get in to a better position to kill it, it took advantage of my distraction and grabbed me by the shoulder smashing me into the floor POP I screamed in pain, blinking through the tears I saw it's jaws coming closer, I was about to die I didn't want to die, no not here, not now- Never. BATHUMP.

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