-Eleven- * -How Close Is Close Enough-

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*Authors Note: This story will contain graphic information, and sexual, abusive situations. Honestly, If you don't like it, Don't read it. Simple as that.*

Monday morning came too fast for Savannah, yawning she walked to her bathroom and took a shower. Savannah decided to stick to the anti-uniform idea, as she slipped in another pair of skinny jeans, a white tank top, with an over the shoulder crop top. Slipping on her ballet flats she left her room. 

"Hey" Kayla greeted Savannah happily. "You look adorable, but shouldn't you be in uniform?" Savannah smirked, "I've gotten away with it so far" Kayla laughed to herself. "Well enjoy your day, maybe we can meet up later" Savannah nodded as Kayla walked away, Savannah slipped in her ear buds to her Ipod, blaring Attack Attack. 

Kent's room was the first room Savannah was to do today. She stiffled another yawn as she picked up his dirty laundry slipping it into a hamper, his bathroom was next. Savannah was disgusted when she found a pair of black lace panties, it made her wonder just what kind of things Kent did, when she notced a whip beside them.

Savannah shuddered and ignored the uncomfortable feeling that grew upon her. Savannah quickly finished Kent's room not wanting to be in there any longer. When she left a tap on her should made her jump. "Didn't mean to scare you" Glory smirked at Savannah, who took this chance to pause her Ipod and listen. "Sure," Savannah said awkwardly before beginning to walk off.

"Are you always this rude?" Glory glared, Savannah turned. "I'm busy, I have a lot of rooms to clean" Glory rolled her eyes before moving closer to Savannah, up until Savannah was almost against the nearby wall. "Do you have a problem?" Savannah snapped. "Oh you are rude, guess you didn't learn fast enough from Kent" Glory glared, once again. 

"What the fuck do you want?" Savannah asked clearly annoyance in her voice. "I want to talk, and to preach" Glory stated putting her hands on her hips, then taking them off. She poked Savannah in the chest. "After what Kent said, and after spending some time with Kent, I did learn that what he had said was true, that you and Vince have been spending time together" Glory was angry and Savannah could tell.

But one thing Savannah couldn't help but to think about was that she found those lace panties, and Glory had just said she spent time with Kent, just what kind of time did she mean? Savannah smirked. "Your lace panties, were disgusting, you might not want to leave that stuff around" Savannah knew her guess was correct when Glory faltered her face was horror stricken and she began to stutter. "K-keep quiet" Savannah smiled at Glory. "Sure"

"Look, Vincent doesn't like you, he will never like you or even fall in love with you, your a lowly salve, a human, you're pathetic" Glory grabbed savannah by the shirt and pushed her against the wall. Savannah glared but feared Glory a bit, even though she was a girl she was still a vampire.

"Besides, don't you think if he actually cared he would have stopped Kent? Don't you think he would have already asked to transfer you to him, to be is slave instead, why is he hesitating?" Savannah thought about it, and glared at no one. "He just, were friends" Was all she could sputter out.

Glory laughed long and hard. "Friends? Are you stupid? He doesn't care about you, he never will, look the point is, stay away from him" Glory pushed Savannah one more time before walking off. "And keep your mouth shut, if you know hat's good for you" Savannah glared at Glory, what nerve?

Savannah began to listen to her Ipod, she moved on to the rest of her rooms, being on light duty still meant she didn't have much to do. She had to tell Vincent about Glory, even if she was mad at him. It was his right to know just what his girlfriend was up to. Savannah sighed to herself. 

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