-Eighteen- * -What If We Start, Again?-

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*Authors Note: This story will contain graphic information, and sexual, abusive situations. Honestly, If you don't like it, Don't read it. Simple as that.*

Savannah lay down on Vincent's bed, with him. Her back was against his chest, his arms wrapped firmly around her. She laughed when Vincent stuck his tongue out at her. "Vincent, when were you turned into a vampire?" The sudden question cause silence and she cursed for breaking the light, fun mood. 

Vincent cleared his throat at first, then laced his fingers with hers. "Well I wasn't changed. I was born a vampire.." Feeling confused, Savannah decided she wanted to know more about Vincent, after all did he not ask her to be his girlfriend? Although lover and girlfriend are not entirely the same.

"Vincent, I want to know more about you, before I answer your question of being lovers" Nodding, then realizing she couldn't see Vincent responded. "Makes sense, I don't blame you for wanting to know me before making a commitment" Savannah scoffed.

"Please, as if lovers is a commitment, a relationship is a commitment, and lovers does not mean relationship" Turning, she looked Vincent in the eyes. He rolled his. "Oh shut it, have you seen my last girlfriend? Of course I have a commitment phobia" Savannah laughed at this.

"It's not funny, silly human" Catching her breathe then laughing a little more, She straightened up leaning against Vincent once more. "I think it is very funny, silly vampire. Now! If you were born a vampire, where are your parents?"

"Well, Payne is my only living relative... Being my brother. My parents both died, a long time ago" Feeling bad, Savannah pulled Vincent's hand to her lips. placing a soft kiss on them. "I'm sorry" Kissing her forehead, Vincent shook his head. "No, need now what else should I tell you?"

Vincent was quiet for a few moments, Savannah guessed he was in thought on what to talk about. "My mom and dad, they weren't that great. They killed, a lot of people in their time.. Like so many. Payne took over this place, it used to be my mom and dad's, however now it is overrun bymale vampires. It's kind of like a female, human sweatshop.."

Savannah rolled her eyes. She still depised this place for being what it truly was. "My parents, they did well for themselves. My mother came from a royal family, she was no Queen though obviously. She married my father instead. He was originally human.. She turned him"

"Your father was a human originally?" Vincent nodded softly. "Yes, my mother was hunting in the human world, something they did for fun. My father was a sophomore in college, only being about 21. My mother would stalk him every night, she found something interesting about him, like me.. the way I feel towards you. It's a pull, makes me interested in you, I want to always know what goes on in your mind, how you think, you know."

"Oh that's kind of creepy, when you really think about it" She laughed softly, Vincent joined in. "I guess you can say it is quite creepy, she stalked her prey until she began to crush over him, a human. You see she didn't want to turn him originally"

Puzzled, Savannah popped the question. "She didn't, why did she then?" Vincent kissed Savannah's head again, making the butterflies in her stomach grow. Blushing furiously, Savannah turned her face upward and kissed Vincen'ts jaw. 

"Urm, she turned him for a very serious reason, which is hard to explain with you kissing me like that.." Savannah froze, "Oh.. sorry" Awkwardness settled in and she laughed slightly, keeping her lips to herself.

"Anyways, I only know what she told me. My dad was walking home from an exam he had to take, it was dark out probably around six pm, being October. My mom had been a little late this night, she was supposed to meet him at his school, and they were going to go on a date."

Vincent took a breathe, and continued. Savannah enjoyed the time she spent with him currently. She wanted nothing more than to learn about him, who his parents were, who he is now. It was still unbelievable that a human slave girl is crushing on a vampire, who is her master.

Savannah laughed to herself at what she thought. "It's not funny.." Vincent said, a horror stricken look on his face. Savannah went wide eyed. "Oh gosh, I wasn't laughing at the story. I trailed off in my thoughts.. I'm sorry!!" Panic settled in and Vincent looked at her curiously.

"What were you thinking about then?" Savannah blushed. "Well, um.. I was thinking how ironic it is that I am a slave and you are my master, I am human, you are a vampire. And how I am, or how we are.. you know" Looking down, her face beat red. 

"Ahh, I see. Yeah it is odd. But look at my parents my mom was.. a vampire" Savannah nodded softly, finally being quiet allowing Vincent to finish his story.

"Back to my story, my father was walking home after waiting several minutes for my mom. He decided to walk home. But what he thought was going to be a easy walk turned into a horror show-"

"-He walked passed this bar, where guys gave him dirty looks, but my father thought nothing of it. He had taken an alley way as a shortcut to get home quicker. The guys from the bar jumped my dad, they took what little money he had on him, they beat him to death"

"When my mother found him, he was a bloodied mess, the only reason she did find him was by following his blood scent. It was stronger than ever. My mom turned him to save his life, he would have died that night if it wasn't for her"

"What happened once he was turned? Did he stay home?" Savannah was honestly curious and she was taking the opportunity to ask as many questions as she could.

"Well no, he couldn't adjust so my mom ended up bringing him back here, he ended up doing fine once she brought him to her home. She took care of him, basically teaching him everything he needed to know, he was thankful to have her, Grateful that she saved his life"

"Wow" Savannah sighed deeply. "That's insane, it's romantic too though" Savannah smiled and Vincent pulled her tighter to him, wrapping her in a hug. He kissed her neck softly, and she closed her eyes enjoying the feel.

Vincent skimmed his nose down her neck. "You want to be a vampire?" Savannah instantly pushed away from him. "No"

"Well that's no fun" Vincent teased, by Savannah was serious, weather or not he was.

But it made her think. What if she did become a vampire? She could easily over power anyone, she would never get raped, beaten or destroyed. "I would be powerful"

"Yes, you would" Vincent smiled. Savannah looked at him oddly.

"What?" He asked confused. "I just, I don't know. Does it hurt when you get turned" Vincent nodded his head sternly. "It's very painful, so I've been told. Obviously I have never experienced it"

"Yeah, I know.." Savannah trailed off not sure what else to say. 

She decided against saying anything at all. Silence was the best answer sometimes.

[AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Authors note!!! :P Ha ha this should be my last one, unless you guys don't mind them and want me to keep posting some. I don't mind. If you guys hadn't noticedalready I change the cast, well only Vincent's character. I think it's better fit now, and personally it's what I pictured all along, so I finally have a face to go with his name lol. Well I probably won't be updating until Sunday night, or Monday night, at least. I hope you all have a Happy Halloween!! I apologize that this update wasn't that long. But I wanted to make a filler, so you guys can get somebackground info on Vincent, besides you need fillers to create a plot. Stay tuned! (;]

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