-Thirteen- * -The Word, Alive-

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*Authors Note: This story will contain graphic information, and sexual, abusive situations. Honestly, If you don't like it, Don't read it. Simple as that.*

Savannah tossed and turned in her sleep, she couldn't stay still, she couldn't breathe, the night mare that had began as soon as she fell asleep was now in tow, and it wasn't going to be easy to over come..

The rain came down hard on the highway, Savannah sat quietly in the passenger seat looking at the person in the driver seat, her mother. Savannah was already nervous on the road at night, the storm hadn't let up and the rain cascaded down onto the windshield, you could barely see.

Savannah's mother cursed but continued on in the rain. It was a Sunday, a week before Savannah's seventeenth birthday, Her mother knew what she wanted and was determined to drive all the way to get it. 

Savannah wanted a pure bred husky pup, a breeder a few towns over got in touch with Savannah's mother, letting her know she had some puppy's available. They could have waited until the following day, until the storm cleared, but no. Savannah was too excited she wanted her husky puppy as soon as possible.

The skies were dark as seven at night came around, the storm clouds made it even darker. The lights flashing in and out of Savannah's eyes, blinded her and her mother every few seconds. The glare from the lights was enough to blind Savannah's mother good enough to not see for a few seconds.

Savannah's heart rate increased, her mother looked panicked trying to see the road, it was pitch black, the sound of a horn screamed in Savannah's ears, and she hadn't realized she was screaming to. The small sedan that her other drove got hit on it's side, the slippery roads and heavy foot on the brake, made the car sputter, and spin, it tipped over three times.

Savannah wiped her eyes, looking around she was upside down, her mother too. Looking over, Savannah shook her mom's hand, the seat belt held both of them, the windshield was completely gone, nothing left, if Savannah reached out hard enough, without her seat belt on, she could touch the dark pavement.

"Savannah, are you ok?" She didn't get to answer her mother's words before her mother was panicking. "I will unbuckle your seat belt, when I am finished I won't you to exit this car as best you can, I want you to run for the guard rail, flag someone down.. call for help" Her mother's eyes filled with sadness at the last part.

Savannah caught herself on her hands quickly, after her mother sprang her from her seat belt. She quickly got out, staying on her hands and knees she peered in at her mother who couldn't meet her daughter's eyes. "I love you, Go!" Her mother screamed the last part, Savannah suddenly scared ran form the car, once safe inside the guard rail, she realized a tracker trailer truck heading straight for the now crushed sedan.

Her mother screamed on impact, but her screams were cut off instantly. Savannah dropped to her knees, the tracker trailer tipped over several times, cars swerved all over, one car stopped her.

Savannah couldn't register anything at that moment. Her mother was dead, and it was all her fault. 

The red and blue lights danced and bounced off the glistening road, they asked her questions, she was paled in an ambulance, but she was never reunited with her mother...

"Savannah" "Savannah" Her name sounded familiar, Savannah tossed and turned trying to break form her nightmare, when she finally did, she sat up at lightning speed, her heart raced unnaturally, and her tears fell violently from her eyes.

"I- It's all my fault, If I- if I didn't- It's all m fault" Savannah sobbed her hands covered her face, Vincent could barely understand a word she said, he wrapped his arms around her in comfort, and held her as tightly as he could.

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