-Thirty Five- * -Five Days-

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[[ Time skip between last chapter and this one lol, as the title says. ]]

Savannah felt more nervous than she had a week ago, There were only five days until the big night an so far the only thing she’s really managed to do is piss off Vincent, fall in love with Ben, save a human girl, and find out a few things about vampires. She wasn’t doing so good.

In the past week she spent most of her time alone in her room, going to meet Ben at twelve was quick lately they really haven’t spent much time together due to the fact that Ben had to train at home. If he wanted a chance against a bunch of blood thirsty vampires he would have to train extremely hard including his friends that were going to give a helping hand.

“Savannah?” The familiar voice startled her for a moment, as she wasn’t expecting it to be the vampire that she hadn’t spoke to in over a week. She turned from looking out the window and watched him carefully as he sat at the edge of her bed.

“One week feels like a month of no talking to you, I wish you would talk to me. I don’t understand what’s so bad about me?” He crossed him arms in front of his chest and she sighed, looking out the window once more before turning and responding to him. “You’re heartless. When I first met you, you were incredibly sweet despite a few flaws like never being around to help me when I got beat up by Kent, but you were nice to me, and that changed…  you changed.. and things changed when I found out you killed my mother..”

She paused for a moment before continuing. “I don’t understand why you constantly ask me about why I can’t love you or like you when the answer is in clear view, I mean honestly Vincent.. Don’t seem so dense”

Vincent frowned and looked away for a brief moment not meeting Savannah’s gaze. “Well you want to know what I think?” Savannah just rolled her eyes in response.

“I think you have began acting weird ever since you got back from the werewolves, I think you’ve changed just as much as me and if-” He paused to get up and take a spot on the floor, besides the window with Savannah. “-If you think that for a moment I wouldn’t catch on then you’re just as dense” Savannah narrowed her eyes at him and he pinned her down to the floor in two quick seconds. “Get off” She seethed in anger.

Vincent just put more pressure on her wrists and hovered above her face. He watched her facial expression carefully as he got closer to her lips he watched as she went form beyond livid to scared. “Fear is a good thing, if you fear me you will respect me. Were going to be together forever Savannah, You belong to me” 

She shook her head violently. “I don’t belong to anyone, especially not you!” She was back to glaring now. Vincent let go of one of her wrists and used just one hand to hold both down, with the other he acted as if he would caress her cheeks until he pulled back and slapped her hard. She let out a small whimper as tears fell form her eyes. “Get off” She whispered weakly.

“No, I don’t take orders from you, if you want to stay alive you better get along with me because after you’re eighteenth birthday we are getting married. You WILL belong to me forever, I won’t take no for an answer, I can’t let go and I won’t let go of you” His words seemed more like a threat to her and Savannah tried to move away from him, as she ignored him though, it resulted in another hard slap. This time she cried out.

“Please stop” It had been a week since she talked to Vincent and this was why she did her best to stay away. He was abusive, she didn’t even understand why. Her guess was that he was truly a heartless bastard of a vampire and that it was his true colors finally showing. 

Suddenly she was brought back from her thoughts when he aggressively kissed her. She did her best to move her face away from him,  finally he let up and when she turned her head he began to lick her neck. “No, please not that” but her words were ignored as he dug into her neck furiously. This time she screamed out.

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