Chapter 1: The kid with the blue hair....

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"It's natural!! Want me to fucking prove it??" The boy growled at the woman who just started at the orphanage. "Don't touch me!" He pulled his arm away when she tried to take hold of the boy to calm him down but it only made it worse. "Don't you fucking dare touch my hair." He stepped away and placed his hands on top of his head to cover his blue aqua hair.
The woman sighed and watched as he ran away and pushed down a child on his way out. He was ten, in the orphanage that was near the deadline of actually being adopted. Older kids never got a family, they got kicked out onto the streets at 18 and that's exactly what he expected to happen to himself.
Ten years old and already such a pessimist. He had no name, no birthday and no parents. They tried to give him a name and a birthday but he never accepted it and would curse them out even as a young child. So instead they started to call him kid.

He hated everyone who lived here and just wanted to be left alone. Every time someone came to talk to them he would beat them up until their something bleed and leave them on the ground. He didn't want anyone to be close to him because truthfully everyone left here eventually.

While he, who didn't want to change, was stuck here with these other kids who were cuter or nicer or younger. Not like he wanted a family in the first place.

As time passed and nothing changed, he like always lost hope for humanity and himself. All he wanted was time to pass and to maybe he didn't know, but maybe be beaten up to death. Maybe twenty men against one, fighting out in glory as he protected some kid from some gang or something. Yea...that would be nice. Huh....a ten year old shouldn't be thinking about this should he.

He sat in the dirt in the front yard, throwing balls of dirt and rocks at the kids who came close to him and one of the attendants who was trying to get him to stop throwing things. They just couldn't control him. He looked over at the car, and rolled his eyes. Again, here came another annoying kid.

There in the car, the small boy looked from one side to the other, as he wondered where he was going.
"Sir? We are we going ?" He asked the blond that saved his life.
" your going to a place where they will take care of you so you can have a new start" the man said sounding a bit sad.
They drove into the orphanage as the little one opened the door. He held onto the grown ups hand as they walked in.
He singed some papers as he smiled at the lady behind the desk.
" well your all set, would you like to give him a name?"
" He already has a name...his name is Devin"
" devin it is" said the lady as she finished the stamping of the papers " you can say goodbye now, when ever your ready "
The blond male look to his side to see the the kid for the last time.
The little kid looked amazed with his big blue eyes as he looked surprised to everything he saw . When he saw the man who brought him getting closer he sat down and smiled " are we leaving?" He ask smiling
" I am, but this is where your staying" he said as he handed Devin a pink bunny doll " this will be your new home "
Devin pouted for a moment " but why can't I go with you ? "
The tall male looked at him with sad eyes " cause I'll just make you hurt ...I want you to be happy"
Devin grabbed his plushy as his eyes got filled with tears. " but I want to see you again"
" you will, when your older " he said giving Devin a small whistle, that he put around his neck "I know how much you like the sound it makes so now it's yours " he said as he messed his black locks a bit " now go " he said kissing him in the forehead as a sweet loving lady came and took him away.
Once in the room Devin stared at his bunny as he bit his lip. He wished he atlest new the guy's name.
" Devin, why are you all alone here in the room...the kids are all playing outside should go play with them "
Devin held his bunny thighter as he followed the lady who had brought him upstairs. He walked to the playground where he saw the kids playing. Everyone seemed to have a friend. All but that blue hair kid in the corner.
" go on, don't be shy " the nice lady said as she gave Devin a little push.
Devin held his bunny thighly as he walked around the playground. Nobody seemed to notice him, so he decided to walk closer to the kid that was alone. Maybe he would lien to play.
He dragged his feet all the way over to where he was and smiled " hello" he said waving a bit " would you like to play with me ? " he asked shyly.

The blue haired kid looked up from the ground after making another dirt ball to throw and glared at the new kid. "Get outta here..." He growled and pulled himself up from the ground. He stood just a little taller than this new kid but the way he held himself was very intimidating. "I don't want to play" with the dirt ball he pressed it against the kids chest. It broke apart and fell onto the rest of his clothes. "Stay away from me." He pushed the kids shoulders, making him fall back.
He wiped his hands off on his clothes and turned around to leave.
The woman ran over to Devin and helped him up from the ground. "Hunny...don't go near would be better if you made friends with some of the other kids. Come...I'll introduce you."

Devin was not sure with what just happened. Why was the other kid so angry. He slowly got up and cleaned himself as the lady from the orphanage came to take him elsewhere. Yet as she walked him over to an other group of kids that where drawing with chalk in the sidewalk, Devin's eyes only looked to where the towards the blue haired kid that seemed to be all by himself still.
The other kids had not noticed him yet, so he grabbed his bunny and ran after the blue haired boy. Once he was closer he kneeled down and made a dirt ball and walked excitedly towards the male " here , yours broke so I made you a new one " he said smiling tenderly " want to play now ? " he asked standing on his tippy toes.


The kid furrowed his brows at Devin and scoffed at the ball. "Are you retarded?" He stuffed his hands into his pockets and turned to walk away. "I told you to leave me the fuck alone." He didn't understand why this kid came back, he really must be stupid.

Devin didn't get it. Didn't he want the ball ?
As the kid walked away Devin followed. He didn't know why but he was used to following people around, like he did with the guy the brought him here. For some reason it just felt like the right thing to do.
" what's retarded?" He asked as he tried to keep up even if his steeps where shorter. " what does fuck mean ? How can I leave the fuck alone if I don't know what it is " he said innocently as he held the bunny closer to his chest.

"Your seriously stupid, aren't cha" the kid said with a sigh before turning around. "Here. Let me get this into your thick skull. Leave. Me. Alone." He pulled his hands from his pockets and grabbed the rabbit from his chest and threw it to the ground before stepping on it, "your such a baby! Do you need a bottle baby? Maybe dirt would be good milk?" He smirked as he took the ball of dirt and stuffed it into his face. " still hungry?" He grinned and ran away when he saw the woman coming towards them.

The madness (Leos and Devin's Story - Part 1) : AmnesiaWhere stories live. Discover now