Chapter 10: Kiss

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Devin gave the taller male a confused look. He wondered why out of nowhere he was acting so strange.
" I like you too Leo, so very much " he said with a smile running through his lips as he heard Leo's words, followed by his kiss first in the cheek and the in the corner of lips as he asked the question.
Devin could not answer in time until their lips completly brushed together, as his cheeks felt warm, and his features turned flustered.
He didn't move just there there frozen and time itself seemed to stop between them.
" I want us to be together for ever too" he said not completely understanding what what boyfriend was, but what ever it was he would love Leo to be the one. With flustered cheeks he rested his head against Leo's chest " I feel funny" he said staying still as he held onto Leo's shirt and could feel his heartbeat veering loudly.
Leo wrapped his arms around the boy and hugged him as his face went into his pink hair. "Me a good way right?" He asked nervously, he didn't want to make Devin uncomfortable after all, he was very special to him. His own heart felt like it was going to pound out of his chest and he was afraid that while the boy was on it he would hear how hard it was beating.
"Do you...want to kiss more? We can learn to kiss better together..." Leo suggested nervously. His palms felt sweety and maybe his legs were about to give out? He took Devin's hands and sat onto the ground with him.
"Mhmmm" he said nuzzle lung his head Against the others chest "my head just feels fuzzy, like when you eat too much sweets and the energy goes away" he said closing his eyes.
" we could kiss some more if you like" he said blushing so tenderly. It was like gravity had gotten stronger as leo slowly pulled his hand to the floor. " I am not very good at this kissing, but I would love to try to get better for you " he said as his ears felt warm and it was like his stomach was full with butterflies.
Leo smiled softly and placed his hands on Devin's cheeks and slowly slide into his hair. He had been dreaming of doing this with the boy for a while now but didn't really know how to say it or if he would just ruin everything they already had but he just went for if in the moment and was so very happy he did.
"I'm not very good either...your my first kiss...but still felt really nice...I really want to kiss you again." He leaned forward and pressed their lips together again but this kiss was a little better than the first. Instead of just brushing their lips together and stopping he started off slowly. Their lips together before instincts kicked in and he moved his mouth a little but still closed lips since they didn't know any better.
Devin felt like like was floating. The idea of getting kissed had not quite kicked in yet. Maybe where Leo come from people that where closed kissed like that. Maybe it meant something else. He didn't know but it didn't matter, as long as it was with Leo he would do anything. He just felt warm. And so cozy being there in Leo's arms, he knew it was the perfect place for him to be.
" your better than me anyways m" he said still keeping his face buried into the others chest. Yet hearing Leo ask for an other kiss made him curious. He too wanted to feel lightheaded and like he was floating again. It was a strange feeling but he liked it, and wanted to explore it deeper. Devin looked up and got ready for their second try at kissing which seemed so complicated to him.
This kisses was stronger and more profound than the first, making Devin feel like his heart was comming out of his chest. He tried to mimic Leo's lip movements not knowing if he was doing it right.
As their lips parted he looked directly into Leo's eyes as he bit his bottom lip " this kissing business was its hard , looks easier in the movies" he said pouting a bit. After all he was just a kid, go young to realized how profound this feeling really was. " are my kisses making you feel funny too Leo?" He asked looking innocently as his cheeks where pink all the way to his ears.
Leo nodded, kissing did seem hard and he didn't know if he was going it right but it felt really good with devil so that's all that mattered right?
"You always make me feel smiling gives me butterflies in my stomach..." He said as his hands unconsciously caressed the boys cheek. "Lets...let's try like in the movies....ya? They open their mouths. We can try that. Is that okay?"
" I do that ? Even smiling " he said pinching his own cheeks to make sure there was nothing on his face. " but why didn't you ever tell me that ? " he asked looking directly into the blue haired boys eyes " mean I feel funny when I see you smile but you don't smile all the time, so I didn't think it was important" he confessed.
Devin lightly nooded as heared Leo wanted to kiss like in the movies. " maybe if I hug you " he said as he wrapped his arms around Leo's neck as their faces where almost brushing. Slowly he learned forward and closed his eyes, waiting for Leo to start the kiss. Hopefully he would do it better this time around.
Leo shrugged a little at the question, "I don't know...I guess...I was afraid...if you didn't like me back." He looked up as Devin came closer and watched him wrap his arms around his neck. His heart skipped a beat at his close they were and tilted his head a little to avoid their noses hitting. He didn't say anything more and instead closed his eyes and cleaned in closer. This time around he opened his mouth like in the movies and pressed their lips together. He caught his top lip while he felt Devin on his bottom lip. Now this kiss was really making him tingle. He raised his hands from his side and placed them on the boys waist to hold onto him while their lips locked more like the adults do.

This kiss felt different than the others. It was like they where no longer two, as they where slowly merging into one.
Not only did he feel butterflies, Devin felt warm in places he never felt warm before. What was this feeling? He didn't understand but he liked it...a lot.
He slowly moved his lips as he held Leo closer. He felt so warm and his heart seem about to burst.
He slowly pulled away and looked down as he bit his lip " am igetting better ?" He asked innocently
Leo nodded, "I think I too?" He asked with slightly heavy breathe. He felt like Devin stole his breathe away while they kissed. He ran his hands up Devin's side and around his back. "Let's do this more later...okay? Maybe...we can kiss more in the bedroom....and the closet or...just wherever cuz...I think I wanna kiss you all the time."

Devin lightly nooded " you kiss better than the people in the movies " he said smiling as he felt his face all hot. " I think I want to kiss you all the time too, you taste good " he said smiling " your a like a brownie ! I can't get enough of you " he said nuzzling his head against Leo as he held him thighly.
" wait ...if you like kissing me ...does that mean that you love me Leo? " Devin said looking into his eyes " nana said that when people love eachother they kiss and hug, and we did both so you must love me a lot " he said excitedly

Leo felt his face get really hot at the notion of love, "ah...well..." He stared into Devin's eyes and felt his heart fall into his stomach. Did he love Devin? It really was the only explanation for the way he felt. He bit his lip for a second before leaning forward and kissing his lips once again. He kissed him for a couple more minutes before they parted lips again and it was starting to get dark outside. But before he left his lips he whispered, "yea...I must really love you a lot." He pulled away and stood up, "let's go's getting dark and I'm hungry." He extended his hand for Devin to take to help him up but didn't let go after words. He held his hand as they walked back to the house.

The madness (Leos and Devin's Story - Part 1) : AmnesiaWhere stories live. Discover now