You need to kiss me

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Disclaimer:All characters belong to JK Rowling

"She's a goody two shoes, just look at her she couldn't hurt a bug" they said.
"She's going to end in Hufflepuff, I'm telling you." they said.
Rose Weasley always wondered in witch house she will be, since she believed that she wouldn't end in Hufflepuff.

Everybody wanted her in Gryffindor, they thought she'll end in Hufflepuff, some even said that maybe she has her mother brains so she'll end in Ravenclaw, and she didn't even knew what she wanted.
She wished to end in Gryffindor since that is where her intire family is sorted, but the evil little voice in her head said she would end in...Slytherin.

Thats right, Rose Weasley thought she will end in the snake house, the house of evil and thats exactly what happened.

But, she has had own reasons for thinking she would end there in first place

Ever since she was little she watched her cousins and brother cry, laugh, scream, and display their emotions just like that, in front of everyone. Since then she promised herself that she wouldn't be like that, ever.

So, she was mostly quiet. And since until school she was only surounded by her family, who she very much loved, (but she haven't told them that of course) she was good to them, and anyway she thought that being evil to someone is just a waist of time and words. She was fine with being on her own, thank you very much.

Slytherins are ambitious, determinated, resourceful, clever and as some say cunning.

Rose always finds her way out of things she doesn't wants to do or things that would put her in situation where she would have to do something she could actualy do but her pride wouldn't alow her to.

Also, when she wants something, she gets it, even if it takes her months of ploting and making plans, she would do what ever it takes to get what her heart desires, even the smallest things.

Just like when her brother Hugo gave her half of his toys on his own.

She could be very pressuative when she wants to.

She remembers her sorting at Hogwarts back in her first year. She was nervous and excited but she didn't showed it.

When the battered hat was placed on her had it said to her.

"A Weasley... again, but with a different mind this time, hmm where to put you? What do you think where would you do best? You deffinitely have a traits of Griffindor, just like the rest of your big family, you arent lacking in the mind also... yes very your mother...but closed of, yes you don't like people playing with your mind and soul, just like me right now. I see you want to prove your self to others, you want them to see that there's more to you than they think, but of course you don't want them to see much, thats my dear friend a trait of a true Slytherin, now however the choise is up to you, so now that I said my part, you tell me what is going to be the house you'll spend the next seven years in."

Rose thought about it, and she knew that the hat knows her thoughts, unfortunately.

If she goes to Gryffindor she will be just another Weasley and she knew people will try to be friends with her, not only because of her parents but also because she knows they are friendly, perhaps if she goes to Slytherin people would finnaly leave her alone.

It would be good to have a bit of time of her own, she won't be in the same dormitories as her family, she cares about them, but in her own way, she would still be able to see them daily, if she doesn't speaks to them constantly that doesn't mean she doesnt love them...And she will get what she wants in the future.

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