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Disclaimer:All characters belong to JK Rowling.

"That's it. Both of you, detention, this evening, in this classroom." said Potions professor with an angry face expresion and green slime hanging of his mustache.

His robes were also covered in the same slime because of the two bickering students that sat in first row.

"No, no professor you can't do this to me, it was all her fault-"

"My fault, really Malfoy, is that the only thing you can do, blame someone else for your stupid mistakes?!"

"My mistakes, this in here was clearly your mistake, so you're the one who should take consecuences for it, not me!"

"My mistake?! You're the one who didn't add the ingredient in the potion and it's your fault we are covered in this thing right now!"

"Well if you weren't talking my ear of about how I'm doing the wrong thing every.single.time I would be able to concetrate on the potion and put the whatever thing I should inside of it!"

"I did not talk-"

"Yes, you di-"

"ENOUGH!"screamed now red faced professor at two of them.

"I don't care witch fault it is, you are partners in this class-"

"Bad idea."

"AND IT WAS YOUR DUTY TO DO AS REQUIRED, no matter how much you hate your partner or how bad idea it was! I thought that was clear Mr. Malfoy, Miss. Weasley. But it seams that my words go in one ear and out the other! I will not let this kind of behavior shows in my class! Now, as I said, detention both of you!"

Just as he said the last sentence the bell rang and students started leaving the classroom.

Rose Weasley glared at stupid snake for one more second before she picked up her things and with last glare sent in blonds direction left the classroom.

How dares he?! She was definitely not talking that much, she only reminded him a couple of times what to do, even if she knew perfectly well that he knew what he was doing.

Stupid partner, why had professor even put them up as partnes in a first place, he knew haos will result in them trying to work...together.

She cringed just thinking about it.

Four hours later

"Oh would you look at that, the weasel has showed up."said Malfoy with that stupid smirk of his.

"Oh shut up you idiot, lets go in and finish this and then we don't even have to look at each other again, actualy now that I think of it, thats a great idea, we should never look at each other, it would make my life so much better."said Rose and entered the classroom to find dirty cauldrons on table in the middle of the room.

Professor saw them and said.

"Wonderful, you are here, I think you can guess what you'll be doing in here. Please give me your wands, you will get them after detention. You can start cleaning, on the table you will also find the supplies you need, and you will not be getting out of here untill you are finished, I will come back to check on you in half an hour."he turned to leave but then turned and added.
"And please don't fight."

With that he shut the door behind him.

"Great, just great, now I'm stuck with stupid git"she murmured to herself.

"Come on Weasley, I'm not all that bad, aren't I? What is the worst thing that coud happen right now?"

Ten minutes later

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