Meeting Ron Weasley

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Disclaimer:All charachters belong to JK Rowling.

"Rosie, I don't think this is a good idea.." Scorpius said while rubbing the back of his head.

His face was paler than usual and his mouth was set in a frown.

"No, no, no you are not getting away this time. You are going to meet my family and that's it." Rose said back with a stern look.And then she added.

"It has been four years since we started dating, we are twenty now, I think it's time to finaly anounce this."she said while holding her hand up.

On her ring finger was shining an emerald ring with simple silver band. While it might seem simple on the outside, on the inside of a ring was engraved the word 'Forever' in cursive.

Rose fell in love with it as soon as she saw it, and she loved Scorpius even more after he asked her to marry him.

Scorpius proposed a month ago and Rose was dying to tell someone. She promised Scorpius that she would wait until the family gathering in Burrow to tell everyone together with Scorpius.

Time flew by and the night of gathering has come and Scorpius has never been more nervous in his life, exept maybe when he was on his knee with his hand in front of him with a little black box, expecting Rose to answer his question.

He didn't have time to get himself out of uncomfortable situation, when Rose pulled him with her and pressed the doorbell.

What was even worse than telling her family that they are going to get married was actualy telling everybody they were dating in the first place.

Rose suspected her cousins and brother knew, but her parents and aunt and uncle definitely didn't.

Her thoughts were cut out as uncle Harry opened the door and smiled at her.

"Rose you finaly came, we were starting to get worried," and than he saw Scorpius and asked "I see you brought a guest. What's your name boy?"

"Scorpius Malfoy, sir."he said with a strong voice, he was being brave for Rose, and himself.

Harry eyebrows shoot up and in a surprised tone he said.
"Ah, yes I asumed since you look just like your father, although I didn't know you and Rose were...close."he said last part looking at his niese in questioning maner.

"Well it looks like we are, can we go in now"said Rose with a big smile on her face.

"Sure, sure, come on in, everybody is already inside."said Harry and moved from the doorway so they can come in.

Entering the house Rose chaught the smell she knew wery well. The food her grandma and her mom and aunt made was overflowing her sences. She smiled as she remembered all times she watched them making her favourite cookies and waiting to eat them.

Still holding Scorpius for hand she made her way to the living room where everybody was sitting.

"Rose, I missed you so much! We haven't saw each other for ages " said her grandfather Artur.

"Grandpa! I missed you too!" she let go of Scorpius hand and went to hug her grandfather as well as her cousins and brother who attacked her like they haven't saw her for years. And actualy they saw her five days ago.

"And who is this?"asked Ron Weasley after entering the living room while holding a plate full of chicken wings and looking at Scorpius like he has two heads.

"Dad, this is my...uh boyfriend, Scorpius..Malfoy." Rose said with an uncertan smile as she moved to stand next to her fiance...boyfriend.

"Malfoy?!"exclaimed Ron.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2016 ⏰

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