Chapter 1 - First Night

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It was love at first sight, as lame as that may sound. Well, what do you expect? This was Gakupo. As soon as he stepped foot into the Vocaloid mansion, despite the barrage of welcomes and flowers and whatever else confetti-ish stuff they threw on him, only one thing caught his eye. Just one look at that electric blue, sexy mop of hair (yes, he thought the hair was sexy), and it was like electricity shot straight through him – mind the cliché - all the way from his finger tips to his toes. Everything was just a blurb around him; the pretty girls giggling and vying for his attention, the cute yellow-haired twins jumping up and down excitedly along with their bobbing ribbons, even the more beautiful, mature women who welcomed him calmly from the side; everything! A normal person (or android) would drool/faint/do-a-double-take/something/anything when they had apparently just landed in what seemed like heaven! But nothing mattered to him at that moment. Everyone surrounding him was just a swirl of big colorful blobs; their touches unfelt, their voices unheard.

Gakupo continued to gaze at the beauty gently leaning against the wall only several meters from him – not paying heed to the swarm that stood in between them. Then, as they're eyes met - venomous violet with electric blue - Gakupo froze on the spot, stiff as a statue, then just as quickly felt his legs turn to jello as the other man gently smiled at him and mouthed a shy 'Welcome.'
He tried to pay attention. He tried to be polite. He tried to listen to every 30 minute introduction that each of the Vocaloids (well, except for Meiko and Luka, since Luka wasn't much of a talker, and Meiko, ... well.. let's just say she was in quite a hurry to be somewhere else that involved less human and more booze interaction). He couldn't believe how hyper-energetic the younger Vocaloids could be! They were jumping around all over the place, trying to see how many words they could blurt out at once before they suffocated and bombarding him with questions like there was no tomorrow.

Gakupo loved these unique – yet strange - wait, cross that - VERY STRANGE - individuals; he really did. He wanted so very much to get to know them well and become like real family. He wanted to pat the yellow and turquoise heads whenever he passed by and play games, cook, and even drink – did he really want to try that?- with Meiko, and etc, etc.

But not now. Now was just not the right time. He had spoken with everyone except for the one he truly wanted to see. Kaito. That was the name of the second eldest of the family of Vocaloids (not to mention the hottest) and who had walked into the kitchen about an hour ago – what was he doing in there anyways? - and hadn't shown himself since.

'Woow... They all really like to talk... I wonder what Kaito-san is doing right now? No, no! I must pay attention to these lovely people in front of me! I can't be rude and start wondering... but... he has been gone for quite awhile now... wait, did Rin-chan just mention road rollers? I must have heard wrong... what could he possibly be doing in the kitchen for a whole hour- no, almost two hours now? ... Hmm, leeks? I've got to remember to help with the cooking at times... before Miku-chan does anything to the food...'

As Gakupo sat on the couch, struggling to keep his sanity through all the commotion around him, the clock rang 10 o'clock - along with a lovely melody of Miku's voice. (The Vocaloid family's clock had each of their melodies recorded to play randomly at each hour struck – which now included Gakupo's.)

"Aww, it's already 10-" "-so soon?" whined the Kagamine twins.

"Oh, you're right! It's already pretty late. We should let Gakupo-niisan rest now, and go to bed ourselves," yawned Miku.

"Aww~~ but we had so many more questions for niichan~~~"

"Len, be more of a woman and less of a girl, will ya?" teased Rin as she jabbed Len in the ribs.

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