Chapter 3: Oblivious

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'OMGOMGOMG! What's going on? Ga-Gakupo-san is acting like he did yesterday! Umm.. He has a weird look on his eyes.. No. He couldn't be. He's not gonna do what he did last night again, is he? Waaaaaa! What am I gonna do?'

As his face flushed and his eyes began to spin, Gakupo continued to lean in closer and closer, his smirk growing larger and larger.

'Hiieeek! Someone! Help me!'

*Sweet sweet yummy yummy icee creammm yummy yu-*


The two men both stopped in their tracks as a ringing interrupted their meeting.

"Oh no! I forgot that I have a recording today! Shoot!" With an obvious avoidance on Kaito's part, he dashed past Gakupo's shocked expression and ran towards the door. As Miku handed him his headsets and music sheets along with a soft 'Good luck,' Kaito thanked her and rushed past, a faint pink tinting his cheeks when she added in 'with Gakupo-san~' and he made for his escape from these crazy people.

Once he got over the initial shock, Gakupo walked up beside Miku who was still waving 'good bye' to Kaito's long-gone form, and heaved a frustrated sigh.

"What's wrong, Gakupo-nii? Something bothering you?" Miku asked innocently, acting as though she didn't already know what was on his mind.

Unable to resist her bright, shining eyes filled with worry and concern, and something else he couldn't put his finger on, Gakupo spilled his feelings and longings for Kaito (not that he had a problem with telling anyone about his true feelings without her eagerness to push him on).

"I'm not sure if I'm approaching this in the right way. Maybe I'm pushing it too much?"

"What makes you say that? Isn't this how you feel for Kaito-nii?"

"Well, this isn't even the tip of the iceberg of my unending love for him but I just don't feel that he's ready for this. He's just so.. innocent? Just something about him makes it harder for me to simply get close and confess how I feel for him. Sigh, I just don't know what to do."

Seeing his slightly gloomier-than-usual expression, Miku couldn't help but give him a reassuring hug and added, "Don't worry Gakupo-nii! I'm an expert at these types of relationships! I'll support you and Kaito-nii all the way!~"

"Aww, thanks Miku-chan." Gakupo regained his usual cheerful composure and patted Miku gently on the head as he wondered 'How does she know so well about these things?'

"Because you see, I'm a proud supporter of men's innocent and burning passion for each other!" squealed Miku, as if she could read his mind, and once again comforted him as she patted him on his back.

"Yeah. I'm sure my love will come through to him eventually! Thanks Miku-chan! You're the best!"

The two fluorescent-haired Vocaloids squealed in excitement at all the things they could try out to win over Kaito's heart.
'Sigh.. What's wrong with me? I can't keep running away from Gakupo-san like this. He probably hates me now.' Kaito scolded himself as he walked down the street to reach his recording studio.

'I'll try and make it up to him. What should I do?'

As Kaito pondered deep in thought, many adoring gazes followed him down the street marveling at the tall, lean figure with electric blue eyes and a black beanie pushed down all the way to cover his all-too-noticeable hair. However, Kaito continued down the road consumed by his own worries, unaware of all the attention he was attracting.

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