Hoodie didn't mind being a proxy of the Slenderman until he was given a mission. The mission comsists of finding 'Luna Fry' and watching out for her.
Luna was an average girl with one friend. She was smart and weird, the best two combinations until...
Both Luna and I were sitting on the couch watching movies. She insisted on watching The Little Mermaid which I don't mind. She was bouncing around like a small child with a childish grin. "I hate to just invade like this, but do you have any food?" I ask. "Yea. You're not invading." She giggled. We got up and searched through the kitchen. I look at the time and now I realize why I'm hungry. It's dinner time. "Do you want me to cook something?" I ask. "You don't have to." "But it's dinner time and you have a movie playing." I grab two boxes of mac and cheese, a pot and some salt and pepper. "You sure?" Luna asks again. "I'm positive. Think of this as a thank you." I nod with a small smile. "Okay. If you insist." Luna shrugs and runs to the living room. I boiled the noodles quickly and mixed a lot of cheese. Extra cheese is life. I grab two bowls, and pour half and half. "Do you want salt and or pepper?!" I ask. "Both please!" Luna said from the living room. I add both salt and pepper on hers but I only put salt on mine. I take off my hoodie, the kitchen was getting really hot from no air conditioning, and tie my hoodie around my waist. I walk out and set both bowls on the coffee table. "Hope you don't mind if I used extra cheese." I say. "Extra cheese?" She cocks an eyebrow. "Yes. Extra cheese." I repeat with a slight chuckle and sit back down. We grab our bowls and start eating. "Wow. Extra cheese makes this way better." Luna exclaimed. "Yep." I agree and watch the movie. We ate in silence while watching the movie until we were both finished. I grab both of our bowls and wash them. "Hoodie! You don't have to wash them!" Luna yelled from the living room. "I insist!" I yell back as I'm drying them. I put them away and jump over the couch, landing in my spot. "What was that about?" Luna looked at me. "Quicker way to get your spot back." I reply without looking at her. Everything was silent and fine. Then, a crash of a window broke the silence. I put on my hoodie and mask then pulled out my gun. "Stay here." I order. "But I wanna-!" "Stay!" I raise my voice. I run upstairs and cock my gun. I was then tackled by a being. "Oh hello Hoodie. Didn't expect you to be here thisss late." A raspy voice said. I push him off. "What the hell are you doing here Rake?!" I growl. I growl and roll my eyes. "When exactly am I not up late?" I was getting off topic and this is what he was intending. "Let'sss get to the point. Where'ss the girl?" He hissed. "Oh, you mean a girl that you are not allowed to touch with your nasty nails? She's not here. I'm just the messenger." I pull out my gun and aim at his head. He snarls and leaps at me, making us fall down the stairs. I grunt and flip us over, pinning him down. I saw Luna peek her head from behind the couch and luckily Rake didn't see her do so. Her eyes were wide with fear and astonishment. Rake used his nails and cut through my shoulder. I don't flinch but I stab him harshly in the gut. He cries out in agonizing pain and flailed about. "You stay away from this house do I make myself clear?!" I yell. "Yesss!! Now jussst let me go!!" He wailed. I slumped him onto my good shoulder and threw him out. He went scampering away quickly which made the job a lot easier. I went back in and felt a bit dizzy. I look at my shoulder wound and saw it was gushing blood. I try to play it off, I'll be okay. "Hoodie!" Luna ran up to me and helped me to the couch. "You're bleeding! I'm gonna grab the medical kit and help you okay?" She said in a panicked tone. "Luna I'm fine! I promise!" I felt my vision blurring and my wound screaming in pain. No no NO! I can't fall unconscious!
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