its time

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Its time for me to meet Justin Bieber I'm so happy like really really happy. Mom and Tay lets go right know.

We are in the car and I have a Justin Bieber shirt on and his beanie that say 1994 like his ❤

Are you ready to see Justin? Yes mom im so happy! Hey so what is the special events happening? I can't tell you I'll see when its time.

So as we are in the car I put my beats on listening to Ricky Dillion gold album. And Trevor Moran songs also. I was reading a book that I got from Ricky also follow me is his new book.

Finally its time to go and see Justin Bieber! Hey guys it's nice to meet you guys scooter said. You must be Amanda.. Yea that's me thank so much this is a dream come true.

Saying it in my head I cant let Justin think I'm one of them crazy fans ..💬

Justin. Hey Amanda

Amanda. Omg hey Justin Bieber

Justin. Lol hey whats up I'm so glad to see you again.

Amanda. You remember seeing me in the hospital?

Justin.. While yea I came in the room and you didn't wake up into i gave you a kiss on the cheek!

Amanda. Lol yes..blushing

Justin. Hey sit down with me

Amanda. Okay

Justin. So how have you been?

Amanda. It's been hard. I have only 8 months to live.

Justin. Really? I believe you will make it because your a believer❤

Amanda. Yea❤_❤

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