D: Prank The Axis and Allies!

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Rinny-NyanChan dared:
"I dare all of the member of ASEAN (Including Timor) to prank both the allied force and axis power, ALL OF THE MEMBER! NO MERCY PLEASE!"
Got it, boss!
Thailand: Yay~ I like to prank~
Cambodia: I should agree at this. Because, I like to prank too... *Looks down embarrassed*
Brunei: But, no harm!
Vietnam: Hm. That's right. No harm included in this prank.
Myanmar: Alright, alright! I was thinking if we could blast them a firework in their meeting place :D
Laos: Good idea!
Timor: Well what are we waiting for? Let's set the prank!
All: Yeah!

Singapore: So, Indie and Philip go buy some firework.
Indie and Phili: Okay, master! *Fanished*
Singapore: Malaysia and Cambodia go stalk on Indie and Philip [I don't want to get them buy something else ._."""""]
Malay and Camb: Alright.
Singapore: Timor, Laos, and Vietnam go to axis meeting place.
Timor, Laos, and Viet: *Already gone*
Singapore: Brunei and Myanmar go to allies meeting place.
Brunei and Myan: Kk, boss.
Thailand: What about me????
Singapore: Go make me some tea and go fuck yourself
Thailand: Y u gotta be so mean????

_2 hours later_

Indie and Phili: Imma back! *Open da door like a boss*
Cambodia: We're home too
Singapore: Good, let me call Brunei and Vietnam...
Brunei: hello?
Singapore: Are they there yet? Can you ask Myanmar if he can go take this Indonesian girl?
Brunei: Nah and wait.............. Yes he can.
Singapore: Okay, thanks for your information

Singapore: Now, for the allies one.
*Sorry, your call cannot be answered because you don't have any girlfriend*
Singapore: >:(
Vietnam: What?
Singapore: are the allies there yet?
Vietnam: No. Wanna Laos to pick Phili up?
Singapore: Ok.
Singapore: Ok, all done. Thailand, you're coming with me.
Thailand: Ok... [Is this Russia no.2??????]

_Time skip, All of them already prepare it_

_Allies force place_

Allies: *Coming into their meeting place*
America: Aw yeah!!!!!! Let's get this meeting started!!!!!
England: So, how are we catch the axis?
Russia: *Sitting on busby chair* What a quiet nice chair~
China: Let's make a food, aru!
France: *Flirting to... No one?*

_At the hidding place_

Singapore: Now!

_At the allies meeting place_

Canada: Ah, how about we-

*Firework blasted in their meeting*
*Screaming all over the place*

Singapore: *Stick note on the black board while no one noticing*

_Axis power meeting place_

Axis: *Coming into their meeting place*
Italy: Veee~ I love pasta~
Germany: Uhhh... -_-"
Japan: *Trying saying L*

_At the super awesome hiding place_

Thailand: Set it now?
Singapore: Yeah.

_At the axis place_

*Firework everywhere! Phew phew!*
*Screaming everywhere [World most recored scream]*

Singapore: *Stick note to Italy back while Italy didn't notice and the other*

_5 hours after the fìrework party [//Wow ._. Shat kind of firework did you buy, Indie and Phili? ._.]_

Allies and axis: *Read note*

Dear allies/axis,
Hope you enjoy the firework party :v I know you guys like it, because I hear you guys screaming :v If you wanna revenge, call us 980-888-666.

Ps: Yeah, we love you :^

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