11: Lucas: Recovering Aine's Memories

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"A fairy!" I smack Lance.

"Keep it down," I said. "But yes Aine is a fairy."

"Wow," Irene smile. "I knew it. I mean my father knew something was different about her. He senses something was off about Aine."

"Anyways, yeah," I smile.

"I thought the fairies were extinct," Lance said.

"Apparently, no," I ate my fries.

"I read about fairies once," Irene said."They had such horrible times. Their history had dark sides and good ones. Humans would kidnap them and use for their blood. Their blood is magical. And then the demons, no offense, the use them to breed. And then they died because they couldn't live their wings were cut off. It's just horrible."

"My grandfather talked to her yesterday," I said. "They made a treaty with the fairies. Also, I found out, Aine had another sister. She was taken away by a demon."

"That's, sad," Irene sigh.

"Yeah," I look down. "Grandfather is still finding bodies. He promised Aine if they find her sister body or something of her. That she'll be the first to know."

"Must be horrible to lose someone you love," Lance said. "I would die if I lost my little sister. Or anyone."

"I know," I stretched.

"Change of subject," Lance sat up straight. "Max and Sandy haven't bothered us at all."

"It's because my grandfather here," I said. "They are afraid of him."

"That explains it," Lance grin.

"So is Aine going to join us?" Irene asked.

"I texted her," I said. "Not sure if she will. Besides she has her sister. So I guess they are hanging out."

"Here she comes," Irene waved. I looked back. We were at the park.

Aine was with and female. Must be her sister. Do all fairies look beautiful?

"Hi, sorry I'm late," Aine smile. "My sister a wanted to tag along; this is Alva. Alva this are my friends. Lance, Irene, and Lucas."

"The boyfriend," I tense. She was looking at me. "Demon, if you hurt her, and I'll hurt you back."

"Alva," Aine sighed. "I'm sorry about my sister."

"It's fine," I chuckled. "I understand."

"A half warlock, human, a vampire/demon," she is something.

"We aren't bad," Irene said.

"Oh I know," she sat down next to Aine. "Just being cautious. Aine is my only sister."

"Alva quit it," Aine shook her head. "You are so, overprotective."

"But I have to," Alva said.

"It's okay Aine," I smile. "She's just worried about you. That's all."

"I know," Aine smile.

"I won't say anything bad," Alva said. We sat there talking. Alva sure loves talking.

She did all the talking, mostly. I had to get up and walk around with Aine.

"Sorry, my sister never knows when to stop talking," Aine said.

"It's fine," I chuckled. "Seems Irene and Lance, are into the conversation."

"By the way, I didn't get to meet your father," Aine said.

"His away with my auntie, remember you met her," I said.

"Oh yeah," Aine giggle.

"My father is helping her resolve some problems," I said. "Not sure when he'll be back. Hopefully soon." I looked at her. "Hey, you been sleeping well?"

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