22: Lucas: Weird Days

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"How can I stay put?!" I paced. "Aine is with that Sai. Who knows what he could do to her!"

"Son you have to calm down," his father sigh. "Attacking him out of nowhere won't get you anywhere. You could put her in more danger, then she already is."

"I know, but I want her here with me," I sighed and sat down. "It's difficult for to be away from the one you love."

"I know," he said. "Know, if you do things right, you'll be able to save Aine. Without harming her or, harming anyone else."

"I just miss her," I look down at my hands. It's been a week since Aine disappear. And I haven't gone to school at all. I have been taking classes online. My parents thought it would be best for I stayed home since my tail pops out when I'm mad. They didn't want me to go all demon in school.

Lance and Irene bring my homework the teachers send me all the lessons for the day. And I do try to do some of it, but it's hard when my mind is preoccupied with Aine.

"Now go finish your homework," I nod and stood up.

Maybe I can get some work done, but I doubt it. It's not that easy to concentrate on one thing while worrying about another.

I went upstairs to my room; my door wide opened. And I know I didn't leave it open. I walked in; I found Alvina sitting on my bed.

"What are you doing in here?" I frown. "You can't just brag into someone's room uninvited."

"Sorry," Alvina sigh. ", I don't know who to talk to Alva is ignoring me."

"Well, what did you expect?" I sighed and sat next to her. "What do you need?"

"Just someone to talk too," she looked at me. "Aine is lucky to have you."

"Yes, she is," I said.

"I know all that is happening, is my fault," she looks down. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen. It was just a simple scare. But it got too far. Enough that Sai took Aine. I know if my parents saw me, they will disown me." She looked sad. "You know as a child we didn't have to worry about anything." She smiles. "All we did was play, without worries. But now that we have grown, we have to worry about everything."

"Well, that's how it is," I said. "Our parents take care of us, as we learn to take care of ourselves. Then we are just on our own. I guess I wasn't ready to leave my parents nest." She looked at me. "I made terrible decisions."

"Yes, you have," I said. "Things are bad because of what you did."

"I know," Alvina said. "And I'm not sure how to fix it, or start."

"By finding Aine," I stood up.

"But how can I do that if I don't know where she is," Alvina stood up and pace around. "If I had my friend Pin, I could contact Rue."

"Pin is your pixie friend?" She nodded. "Where is she?"

"I don't know what happen to her," she stood by the window. "The day I left, she came along. But disappear the same day my son did."

I thought about this for awhile. Then, light bub.

"Could Pin, had tagged along with your baby?" I said. "Maybe she's with him."

"Ah," Alvina eyes sparkle. "I haven't thought of that."

"Is there a way to locate a pixie who's lost?" I asked.

"Yes," Alvina smile. "There is a way. We have to visit the pixie queen. Only she knows the whereabouts of her pixies."

"We must go then," I said.

"I can't," she look away. "I'm a traitor if I step foot in my land. My father will know, and he will be very disappointed to see me. I could imagine the expression on my parent's faces. Disgust, disappointment, betrayal, and I won't be able to stand it. I love my parents, I do. But for them to see me like that."

"I get it, but you have to face them," I walked up to her. "You can't run away from them. Sooner or later you'll have to talk to them. And it's best if it's now. If you wait longer, it will be too late."

"True," she sighs. "Alright will go, but we have to ask Alva to send out a message to father. Explaining that we are bringing someone from the outer world. More importantly a demon."

"Alright, then we will ask her," I smile. "Thank you."

"No, thank you," she hugs me. "Thank you for listening."

"You're welcome," I hug her back. "You are going to be my sister in law."

"Don't push it," she steps back. "I'll go ask Alva." She walked towards the door and stopped. "My sister is lucky to have a man like you. You better take good care of her."

"Don't worry, she's in good hands," she nodded and walked out.

I stood there looking out the window. We finally have a way to locate her. It will take time, but it's better to make a plan than to rush in. I don't wish to hurt anybody, nor do I want Aine to hurt anyone. Right now, Aine is changing. And I want to stop her before she turns completely. Unless it's too late well, I hope not. Because if she has changed, I don't want to fight her. But if it comes to that, then I'll fight her.

"Hey," I look back at Irene. Her eyes where red.

"Have you been crying?" I frowned. She sat on my bed. I went and sat down next to her. "What happened?"

"It's Lance, his been acting weird since this morning," she sniffles. "We got into a fight."

"What?" I sigh. "I'll beat his ass."

"No, Lucas," she lay her head on my shoulder. "He's strange. He was fine yesterday, and now today his different."

"What you mean?" I asked. "How strange?"

"I mean, he ate beef jerky," Irene said. "That Slim Jim meat thingy. And you know how much he hates that. He doesn't like it, and his car has a scratch on the hood, and he didn't care. You know how much he freaks out when there's a scratch on his car. Something isn't right with him."

"That is strange," I frowned. "Something wrong. Don't worry I'll talk to Lance." I hugged her tightly.

Great, first Aine, and now Lance. What the hell is going on? I hope Lance isn't related to the Sai problem.

We don't matter; I'll solve them both. And we will have a happy ending, with a happy family.


Oh, what's wrong with Lance?

Could it be:





Who is causing the problem?

Sorry for the late update. I got stuck, didn't know what to write. I was halfway than blockage. And I just stared at the screen for days. But I finally got it all I needed was the music.





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