3: Lucas: Aunt Alina In Trouble

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"You are grounded!"

I chuckled this is good, seeing Lance like this, serves him right for hiding something like this from his mother. "Mom," Lance sighed.

"Love, give the kid a break," uncle Calvin said. And he should've had stayed quiet. Because the look that, uncle Rick gave him. It's to die for, oh what a great day. "I'll just stay over here, sorry son you're on your own."

"Now I know who wears the pants," my father said. 

"Shut up, Luke," Calvin mumble.

"Now, Lance," Rick turned to him. "You're grounded, for a week. No buts. You will come straight home."

"But mamá I have football practice," Lance whined like a little kid.

"Fine, after football straight home," Rick said. "Oh and," he took Lance car keys. "Confiscating your car for this whole week. I'll drop you off and pick you up unless you want to walk. Your choice."

"Okay, I'll walk home," Lance said. Lance will never disrespect his parents. If his grounded, then he'll be grounded.

"Good," Rick walked up to me. "And you should've had told me. You're his accomplice."

"Ah," I looked at my parents, they just shrugged. "I told Lance to tell you, but he didn't want to. He got his first tattoo during freshman."

"Thank you, Lucas," Lance said. "I'd appreciate you being honest."

"Than, he got more and more," I grin. "So yeah. You are welcome, Lance."

"Lucas has a girlfriend!" Lance said. My parents looked at me. They all looked at me.

"I do not," I said. "We are just friends." I would've had yelled out that Lance is dating Irene, but I'm not that cruel.

"Oh," my mother giggled.

"I have homework to do," I said. "Oh, dad, auntie Alina is back in town."

"What?!" So he doesn't know. She is busted.

"Yeah, I saw her earlier," I said. "She must've had done something bad."

My father went into his office. Probably to talk to grandma and grandpa, uncle Calvin followed him.

"No you two go do your homework," Rick order us. I nodded.

Once upstairs in my room. Lance punched my arm. "Hey," I rubbed my arm.

"You little traitor," Lance sat on my bed.

"At least I didn't tell them about Irene," I said.

"True," Lance laid down. "I wonder what auntie Alina did this time. Maybe she blew up a school again. Or burn the house."

"Or showed her identity," I said.

"I'm curious," Lance said. "Anyways Aine."

"Hmm," I took my homework out. "What about Aine?"

"She's cute," he said. "You should ask her out. Then will go on a double date."

"Don't rush me," I said. "I'll take my time. Now let's do our homework. Since I know, you won't do it if I don't help you."

"Yup," he sat up.

We began doing our homework. Everything was just fine; the house was quiet. And out of nowhere, the whole shook.

"She what?!!!!" A loud deep voice roar through the house.

"Your dad is angry," Lance said.

We both got up and rushed downstairs. We saw my mother and Rick outside my father office.

"Where is she?!" My father asked. My uncle Calvin walked out.

"Don't go in there," Calvin said.

"What did Alina do?" My mother asked.

"She got pregnant," Calvin said. "She gave birth, and left the child in the father's arms."

"Why would she abandon her baby?" Mom asked.

"Ah," Calvin sighed. "The father is a human."

"Eh?" Mother frowned.

"Remember when they sent her school. Well that little brat lie," Calvin said. "She didn't stay long. Alina left on her own before winter break. And she was on her own since then. She's been doing nothing but party. That's all she's been doing. And she went to a party, got drunk and got herself pregnant. She ran and went back to give birth and left the baby with the father. So not sure what's going on with her. But the human boy is left alone to take care of a baby."

"Oh my," my mom sighed. "Maybe she got scared. Or maybe the boy doesn't know what she is."

"Probably," Calvin rubbed his neck. "Now we have to find her. But don't worry, we'll find her."

"I'll find her, and I'll take her back to that boy!" My father kept yelling. He came back out. He was all demon. "That girl is in so much trouble!"

"Baby calm down," mother hugged him, and he immediately relaxed. "Now, kids, this is adult talk, go shoo."

We were shooed out. Back upstairs, I finished my homework. So I decided to check my notifications on Facebook, as I did. I decided to send Aine a friend request. I had to look her up first. I found her and send it she accepted it.

"Lance! Let's go!" Rick yelled.

"See ya later," Lance grabbed his things and left.

I went downstairs to eat. My little sister was in her chair, with noodle on her hair. I chuckled and took them off her hair.

"Messy," I said. Adalia giggled.

"Noodles," she used her hands to eat.

"Did you feed, Strike?" My mother asked.

"Yeah when I got home," I said. Strike, my demon wolf.

"Okay, Adalia no," mom took the plate away. Adalia cried.

"Adalia, hush," dad walked in. "Playing with your food isn't good."

"She's a baby," I said. "She doesn't understand. Let her eat."

Mom sighed and gave her the plate back. She wiped Adalia nose.

I ate my spaghetti and meatballs. Adalia looked at me. She wanted to copy me. But she couldn't hold the fork. I chuckled.

"See, she's learning," I said.

"I'll have to give her another bath," mom said.

As we ate, I looked at dad. He seemed angry still. After I was finished eating, I went straight to my room. I took a shower, got dress, and laid in bed. I began to message, Aine.

She was fun to talk too. She told me her sister was coming on Friday. I ask if she would still be able to see the house. She said yes. I hope my parents don't embarrass me.

I'm in love. In love with a blue haired girl. I smiled to myself. I rolled on to my stomach. As I laid there, I felt pain. My back was killing me. I sat up and winced. It hurts.

Why does it hurt?

"Mom! Dad!" I yelled. My whole body burn. I felt like I was on fire. I bend over; my back, it was ripping open. "Ah!"

I heard footsteps and some gasps. I just felt dazed and numb. I'm not sure what happened to me. But I felt nothing. My visions were blurry.

"Oh my, Luke?" I heard my mom. "He's too young."

"It's started," I heard my father said."Lucas?"

I heard them. My parent's voices were becoming distant.

What exactly is happening to me?


It started!

And don't worry you'll get to see Lance.

Anyways, yeah his demon start to surface. At his age. Hehe.





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