Chapter 15- Moving On (Part 2)

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"Don't worry about it Dad. You'll do fine!" I smiled down at Sans, and he grinned back. I was beyond nervous about the date, but with Sans and Papyrus' encouragement, I felt slightly better. I'd been worrying about it all week, but I decided I wasn't going to back out. "Besides, he's pretty hot." I chuckled and Papyrus groaned and smacked his older brother. The doorbell rang, and Papyrus rushed to open the door. 

"So, how do I look?" I asked, grinning at Sans.

"Great! Don't worry Dad, just be yourself."

"Are you sure I'm the Dad here?"

"Positive." I walked down the stairs, Sans walking behind me.   

"And that's why you should definitely marry my Dad one day!" Papyrus was talking to Grillby who was still standing at the door. Grillby looked really flustered, making me chuckle. He looked kind of cute when he was blushing. The fire where his cheeks would be was glowing blue instead of the usual orange.

"Pap! That comes way later!" Sans said, rushing forward to grab his brother's shoulder. "Sorry about him, you know how kids are." Sans said to Grillby before directing Papyrus back to the living room. I chuckled a little at my sons, shaking my head slightly.

"I swear, sometimes I think he's the father." I said stepping outside. Sans already knew everything he needed to do to take care of his little brother, so I wasn't worried about going over everything again.

"I know the feeling. Scorch seems so mature these days." He replied. 

"Where are we going anyway?" I asked, something I probably should have found out a while ago.

"Snowdin. I have a little restaurant there, I thought you might like to go."

"That sounds fine." I replied, grinning at him.

"Technically, I'm still on the clock." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. "I hope you don't mind if this isn't exactly a normal date."

"Not at all. I find the way most people do it a bit confusing anyway." I replied, smiling up at him. It was only then that I realized I only came up to his shoulder. I wasn't exactly tall, so it wasn't uncommon for people to be taller than me, but I somehow hadn't noticed it until now. 

"Thank you. Again, I'm really sorry." He said, and I could tell he felt relieved. It was slightly hard to read his expression because he didn't exactly have a face, but it was still rather easy to tell what he was thinking. 

"Well, here we are." His voice pulled me out of my thoughts, and I looked up. The small building in front of us was light up with a warm glow, making the whole place look cozy. "Shall we?" Grillby asked, holding the door open. I laughed, walking inside the small diner. Grillby followed me in, and the people inside seemed to perk up at that.

A small wave of "Hello"s flowed through the place, and, although they weren't directed at me, I still felt welcome. Grillby lead me up to the bar, which he jumped over. I gave him a questioning look, and he shrugged. 

"Its easier." He said in response to my  unasked question. I just smiled and sat at one of the stools at the bar. "Why don't you tell me a bit about yourself?" Grillby asked, leaning on the bar. 

"Well, it all started a long time ago."

"Sounds like you've told stories before."

"I've got a five year old, don't I?"

"Fair point." 

"Should I start over?"

"Please do. I'm on the edge of my nonexistent seat."

"It all started a long time ago."


I smiled as we left the restaurant. Grillby and I had talked for a couple of hours, and I had to admit he was a very nice person to talk to. He walked with me to Hotland, saying something about visiting Scorch before heading home. The Lab hadn't exploded, so Sans clearly hadn't tried to mess with anything I was working on.

"I'll see you later, I suppose." I said, smiling up at him.

"I hope so. Is the same time and day next week alright?" Grillby asked, and I could tell he was genuine with his offer. 

"Of course. I'll see you then." I said. I turned around to walk in the door, but stopped. I turned around, and, up on the tips of my toes, I bumped the fire where Grillby's cheek would be with my teeth. It's about as close as a skeleton can get to kissing someone.

Grillby's flames turned blue, but I could tell he was happy.

"I'll see you then." I said, before I walked into The Lab. 

Everything was quiet as I walked up the stairs. Sans and Papyrus were in bed when I checked. I smiled as I headed to bed, and I couldn't stop smiling. I wouldn't surprised if I fell asleep that way.                                                                                                                    

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