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The sceptical look on John's face had Jazz repeating his sigh.

"Think about it, John. Would you ever normally agree to meet up with a complete stranger? Much less go to their house! I know... things. I can get into your head, not easily, but I'm pretty good at planting little ideas and thoughts."

John just stared, but as Jazz watched, the frown began to fade, before it hardened suddenly and John spoke, his voice quavering slightly, "Assuming I believe you, why would you want to get inside my head? Why did you want me to come here?"

"You should believe me, I don't lie. I wanted to get into your head 'cause I thought you were cute, and it's nice having someone cute to talk to. Not that I'm superficial in any way," The grin that lit up Jazz's face had John's metaphorical hackles rising, "And it was your own doingthat made you want to come here, I had nothing to do with that one."

Jazz began to pick and pluck at the material of the sofa, unravelling pieces. Upon seeing the confused look on John's face, he expanded.

"I told you to come home with me if you wanted answers. You agreed to it. I didn't go near your mind on that one, man."

John still looked confused, and just a little bit angry.

"Hey. Sit down, bud. I'll explain, but you'll be a lot more comfortable if you sit."

John didn't move, and answered in a strangled voice, like he was forcing the words out, "No, I think I'd rather be standing."

Shrugging, Jazz continued, "The passport.We'll start there. The girl dropped her passport, but she didn't notice. I thought it would be cool if I could snatch the passport, y'know, see how long it took her to realise. Unfortunately, she noticed me picking it up and grabbed my arm. This meant I flashed into her mind, accidently mind you, and she just kinda blurted out that she didn't want it."

Pursing his lips into a tighter scowl, John glared, "That's some excuse, Jazz. Really? You expect me to believe that shit?First werewolves and now 'I can get into your mind!' Under my skin, definitely, butin my mind ?"

' I'm not lying to you. I don't lie.' John startled backwards at the intruding thought, blinking owlishly at Jazz's unmoving lips and unblinking orbs.

He gaped at the other man, as a second thought ran through his head. 'You should sit down before you fall over.'

Stumbling backwards, the backs of his legs hit the armchair and he sank back intoit, twisting his body sideways to get a better view of his strange companion.

"How are you - What are - Do that again!" Heart beating like he'd just run a mile, John just stared.

' Weird, isn't it? Well, you wanted answers, John.' Jazz barked a laugh out loud, sinking back into the sofa again.

John couldn't understand it. Reading someone's thoughts was the stuff of fiction. That kind of thing wasn't possible in real life! Scrunching up his nose slightly, he thought as loudly as he could back at Jazz.

However, Jazz just raised a light blonde eyebrow and watched as John's face contorted into various strange shapes. It was amusing him, seeing the different expressions flitting across John's face, but when he appeared to be genuinely straining, Jazz put him out of his misery.

"Err Johnny-boy? Wha' are ya doin'?" John's eyes flashed open at the question, confusion shining through them.

"Well, I assumed that since you could get into my head and speak to me, you could hear my thoughts as well...?" He trailed off, looking expectantly at Jazz.

Jazz merely shouted a loud laugh, "John, man, sure I can, bu' I don' like t' read people's thoughts. It's rude y'know, tha girl was an accident. Besides, readin' yer thoughts gives me this rather cruel headache. Y' could try a bi' o' organisationup there, mate."

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