Chapter 25

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When a person is turned into a werewolf, they lose themselves.

The wolf itself is a demon, and when it enters the body, the insanity it brings and the pain of shifting for the first time could make even the best man forget who he was.

He'd thought Chris had been dead. Turns out that she really had been dead, as it takes a dead body for the person to become awerewolf, and Kieran must have given her abite at some point.

The thought of being against two werewolves terrified him.

Chris wouldn't remember who he was right now, and might never again. Kieran was probably with her, hence why Jazz hadn't been ambushed, as new werewolves imprinted on the first wolf they saw - the pain in their body and mind being too much for them to cope with at first, so they wouldjust copy another, rather than have their own thought process.

He struggled to fight against Kieran, and while female werewolves were typically smaller, they were more agile and tenacious,and he knew this could be a fight he might not win.

This was the worst possible scenario to havehappened, as now he would have to put Chris down himself.

To be turned, people needed to have the right bloodline, and he had checked Chris before, and she didn't. The madness would consume her, and leave her feral.

She was dead anyway.

Jazz just had to keep telling himself that... he might even be able to believe it one day.

Transforming, he tried to ignore the shocks as his body twisted unnaturally, and kept his blue-green eyes fixed on the basement ahead of him, lowering his head and growling threateningly when Kieran's huge, black form emerged.

Behind the dark form, came a sleeker one, its coat a deep mahogany brown and its eyesdark; flecked with gold and glinting in the light.

The second wolf was all legs, its body rake-thin and its paws small and neat.

To Jazz's dismay, she was also growling at him.

He sent out a quick apology in her direction,before rolling away from the lunge Kieran gave at him.

As he moved however, Chris copied the bigger wolf, darting towards him with her hackles raised and teeth bared, and she caught him, sending him flipping over onto his back.

He stuck his legs up in her throat and torso,pushing her off of him and nipping at her as he did so.

Kieran took that moment to attack again, jumping onto Jazz and sending them both rolling across the floor, teeth snapping and blood flying.

Chris followed their fighting, and when Kieran pinned Jazz down, clawing at the cream werewolf's sensitive, exposed areas, she pounced on him too, teeth sinking into his flesh and causing Jazz to howl in pain.

Kieran stopped his clawing momentarily, growling ferociously at the she-wolf and shoving her away, watching as she was sentsprawling sideways.

Apparently Kieran wasn't good with 'team-work'.

Not that this bothered Jazz at all, as he took the moment to squirm out from beneath the black wolf's huge paws, darting away towards the main doors.

Unfortunately, the pair raced after him, nipping at his heels.

Once he got outside, he spun to face Kieran,the pair leaping upwards into the air, twisting and biting and goring each other as they did so, tails flicking to and fro to help support and balance them.

This death match went on for a few minutes, Jazz managing to get a good hold on Kieran's shoulder, digging his teeth in tight and refusing to relinquish the hold, even as Kieran tore a bloody hole in his ear.

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