Chapter 6

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Rainbow's POV

I looked around, scared to the bones of where I was.  One second I was yelling at the monsters that changed me into this then I was switched to a huge room. I couldn't see anything outside the large light circle and as far as I could see there was nobody in the room besides me. I was wrong because then a deep males voice boomed in the room and lights flickered on.

"Welcome Rainbow and boys."  He said. He was sat in a throne high above the circle. Probably so he could take power over anyone foolish enough to take on him. I gulped and stepped forward with the little pride i had left in me. I had to show someone I wasn't that girl you would whimper and beg for her life. Maybe if I did go I could stay here and sort out everything with my dad and sister and tell them that this was a honest mistake. None of this whole vampire situation was a on-purpose thing. I had face what I did. "I see you caused a little problem with the human world. Is that true or are you being framed?" Should I pull Niall and the others down with me or should I take blame for something that could of easily been avoided? I'm not that mean but dragging them down isn't saving anyone and that's my main purpose, right? Saving someone from harm, even it be saving a vampire from endless death?

"Yes I did. I'm here to take my punishment." I said. Internally I was kicking myself and crying but if you show weakness that shows who you really are. That isn't what I need at the moment.

"Okay great, we finally have someone who isn't willing to put up a fight. Easier to take down." He said a evil grin appearing. I was willing to protest against me not wanting to put up a fight.

"Okay first of all I never I said I didn't want to put a fight. I meant that I would gladly except the challenge to go down with a fight." He seemed so surprised. 

"Wow we have a challenger, this is a first, Mandy." The guy said turning to a female, who I hadn't noticed before. To describe then I would be hideously off. I can't describe most people but Niall and, wait I hate Niall, remember? He turned me into this spiteful thing and turned my family againest me. If I hadn't ran away I would of been sorting things out. They wouldn't take me back now even I tried. If I survived this what was I going to do, where was I going to go? "Okay you have twenty minutes to consult with your group of peers." I looked confused at him.

"What team?" I asked. The guy looked stoutly at me. The girl, Mandy, squinted her eyes.

"The ladies and gentlemen you came with." A big spot light flashed on and made me turn around. There stood five boys and three girls. 

"I'm sorry I can't work with them." I said scratching the back of my knee. I was sweating, that's for sure.

"What do you mean you can't work with them?" He said sitting up straight in his comfy looking throne. 

"I mean I work alone." I said laughing to myself. I guess he didn't find anything amusing, except those who are mentally retarded to take on such a big guy like himself. Was I even fighting him or was I fight some ugly monster? This was turning into the dream that Harry had. So if I saw right this doesn't end happy for me. "Wait never mind, i'll work with them." I said arguing before they can replace the plan with a horrible new one.

"Get to it." He said, shooing me off towards them. I nodded and ran over to them.

"What's so wrong with us that you would want to work with us and possibly save your life?" Liam said.

"Shut up, I need Harry real quick." Harry nodded and walked off the side of the group. I looked back at the two large people that were sitting up there, seeing there was a third. "Harry can you have another flash and see if this works in out in their favor or in mine?" I asked, crossing my sweaty fingers behind my back.

"No I can't and trust me I tried real hard." Harry said flustered in his attempts to save me.

"It's okay Harry." I said gaining myself the least amount of anger to give him a deep hug. He felt so warm for a vampire. We walked back over to the group and they were intently talking to each other.

"Any game plans?" Louis asked me. I looked down fiddling with my fingers.

"Just let it happen. I need to stay up here and sort out family issues, that is if I don't survive this and there is always that thought if I do but from the flashes Harry and I had, I don't survive this flat out." I said.

"You can't believe Harry's flashes because some of the time it isn't correct, like the first one he had made us to believe that we died when we first came here but obviously we didn't." Liam said.

"I absolutely refuse to let you stay here without me." Niall said, making me choke and cry internally.

"Why would you care, Niall?" I said making this an awkward thing inside the circle.

"10 minutes till battle time." He said. I looked up and the other guy had left, the one that never spoke which made me scared that he's my contender to fight against.

"Because I love you." Niall said shaking me out of my scary thoughts.

"Well you know it won't matter after this fight because I have a feeling I won't make it." I said with distant toned voice. I knew I wasn't going to make it.

"You can't think that way." He protested.

"Why not, Niall?" I complained. He looked deep into my eyes then took a step forwards. Our lips connected. Compared to our first kiss I don't remember our first kiss. My hands moved up to his neck. I didn't bother to end it because I became scared, even more than before with his lips departing mine.

"Because I said so." He said parting our lips but not the space between us.

"Fine." All I could hear was the boys behind him chanting. The voice over the speaker stopped all of us.

"Five minutes." My heart skipped beats instead. I gave Niall one last hug. I saw a girl figure come into view over his shoulder so I quickly parted our hug.

"Samantha?" I said. Everyone looked over at her. They must of quickly recognized who it was because they slowly backed up. I ran up to her. "Hey what are you doing here?"

"I was granted permission to come see you. You shouldn't of challenged him, he's tough." She said. She kept looking over my shoulder. Oh right yeah these are the boys that killed her. "Are those the-"

"Yes they are and they are sorry." I said.

"They turned you? And that's you're boyfriend?" I hung my head and nodded. "Dad's right you are a disgrace." She left out the building without saying another word. I wanted to lay out and cry not caring who saw but I realized this that I brought this amongst myself. I had to fix this or live with this.

"One minute to go." They all ran over to me but were soon deflected by something. A force field? What kind of sick game is this? "5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Here we go." The loud voice said. Just then the door on the opposite side opened up and out stepped an ugly monster. It turned to Niall and blew him a kiss. I then turned back to the game.

It was game time, now or never.


Okay little A/N that is huge.

I have three endings.

1.) Has a prequel involved.

2.) and 3.) Just a epilogue. 

So basically if you want a Prequel then comment Prequel below.

If you want Just A Epilogue then comment Epilogue below.

If I pick Prequel then i'll need a tittle. She'll be a human finding out many things about her true past and yes she'll be with Niall. Nothing too romantic but nothing too vampirey please.

Hopefully that didn't give away anything for the ending in anyway.

I need your ideas


None will be turned down.

Pretty please!

Thanks for reading. 

Struck Cold (Niall Horan) [Sequel to Biten By Love]Where stories live. Discover now