The New Deal Part 2

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“So tell me about Klaus.” Bonnie prompted.

“Well, Klaus and I go way back. I met him when I was 23 in Italy. I guess I loved him from the first moment I met him.” Celest confessed as she thought back to the first time she had ever laid eyes on Niklaus Mikaelson.

The woods surrounding Celestria’s large summer home were dusty and hot, the tree’s providing little protection from the burning sun as Celest walked through them. Her long dark red dress trailed the ground, the hem covered in dust and mud as she lifted up her bow and aimed the arrow at a bird perched in a tree, her long black sleeves billowing out in the afternoon breeze as she held the bow up high. Before she could fire, a branch snapped behind her causing the bird to fly away in fright before Celest turned around to see two men walking out from the darkened trees. She still held her bow up, ready to shoot if anything seems strange. One of the men that had stepped out had shoulder length blonde hair, while the other had dark brown hair with a slight amount of stubble on his face.                                                                                                                                           “Excuse me my lady.” The one with the dark brown hair told with strong English accent as he held his hands up in a mock surrender and watched the beauty in front of him. “We did not mean to disturb your hunt.”                                                                                                                                                  “That is quite alright.” Celest replied as she lowered he bow and detangled the arrow from the quiver. “It is high time I returned home.” She reassured them as she looked up to see the sun well past its midpoint.                                                                                                                                                   “To your husband, I presume?” The blonde one asked curious. The dark haired one flashed his friend a look briefly, one filled with confusion about his interest in the girl.                                                  “If I were returning to my husband it would be in a casket.” Celest replied not taking her eyes from the two strangers.                                                                                                                                                    “Ah, my deepest sympathies.” The brown haired man provided. “It was a long time ago, he left me well provided for and I did not love him, no sympathies are needed.” Celest told them casually as the blonde man started to laugh.                                                                                                                 “Where is it that you are from that you speak English with such a good accent?” The blonde one asked boldly.                                                                                                                                                      “My mother is English, I also lived there for most of my youth, I served as one of the Queen’s maidens.” Celest explained.                                                                                                                           “Ah, that explains it. Now love, would you like myself and my brother to escort you back to your home, it is not the safest time for a beauty such as yourself, to go around unattended.” The Blonde one suggested as he bent his elbow and held it out for her to take.                                                     “Um, if that isn’t too much of an inconvenience.”  Celest replied modestly. “My name is Countess Celestria of Savoy, by the way.” She told them holding her head up high.                                                  “Ah, we have royalty with us brother.” The blonde one joked. “May I introduce myself, I am Lord Niklaus Mikaelson and this is my brother Lord Elijah Mikaelson.” Klaus told her while bowing before her.                                                                                                                                                                         As Klaus, Elijah and Celestria walked through the woods, Celestria had her arms linked through both men's arms as the continued their journey through the woodland. As they got closer to Celest's home a horse suddenly ran up to them stopping mere inches in front of them, before the rider dismounted and ran up to Celestria pulling her arm and out of the reach of both Elijah and Klaus. 

"Sir, I do not think that is the way to treat a Countess. Especially a Countess of Savoy." Klaus told him, his voice firm and angry.

"Do not presume to tell me how I can and cannot address and treat my own sister." The man said as he put his hand on his sword.

"Alexander! What do you think you are doing?!" Celestria cried. "These men nearly helped me home after I lost track of time while hunting! Remove your hand from your blade this instant!" She commanded.

"I am sorry. My brother is overly protective of me." Celest told Elijah and Klaus apologetically.

"We understand. We have a younger sister of our own." Elijah said to her understandingly. "They can be quite a handful." He continued looking up at Alexander.

"Alex, this is Lord Klaus and Lord Elijah." Celest introduced as she walked over and gathered the reigns of the horse. "My Lords would you like some refreshment for being so kind as to take me home. Alexander, I presume you will be staying at my home tonight?" Celest questioned as she turned to face them.

"Refreshments would be much appreciated dear Countess." Klaus replied as he once again bowed to her. 

"Please my Lords, call me Celestria.” Celest told them smiling.                                                                    “And please, call me Nik.” Klaus told her as he leant down, holding out his hand for hers. Once she placed her hand in his he leant down and kissed her hand causing Celest to blush slightly.                                                                                                                                                                       “Tia, we had plans tonight, you we’re coming to meet Rebekah tonight.” Alexander reminded her.     “Oh, well, Nik, Elijah would you like to join us for dinner? At least then I’ll have someone to talk to while my brother and his new girl stare into each other’s eyes all night.” Celest begged to them.        “I would love to join you for dinner, if only to spend more time with you.” Klaus told her looking directly in her eyes, smiling at her.                                                                                                                     

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2013 ⏰

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