The New Deal

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As Bonnie walked slowly through the woods, the old abandoned house where the witches were burned suddenly appeared before her. As she walked up the stairs and into the house, voices whispered all around her, she followed them into the basement to see four coffins positioned around the room. She walked toward the coffin that was held up higher than the rest, opening the top latch to see Klaus lying inside, holding Elena's necklace in his hands. Bonnie reached out to grab it before hearing a noise behind her causing her to turn around only to wake up in her bedroom.

As Elena jogged through Mystic Falls, checking her watch to see time, she turned around and to see a man running towards her. She turned back around, paranoid, and starts running again faster. The man continued to follow her and Elena turned a corner, once again speeding up. After a while, she stopped running, turning around and looking behind her to see an empty street. As she began to calm down, she turned around and started to walk away only to bump straight into the man who was following her before.

“Excuse me. Should have been watching where I was going.” The man apologised politely.

“Don´t worry about it.” Elena replied still trying t catch her breath.

“Have a nice day.” The man told her before once again running off in another direction as Elena watched him go.

As Elena and Bonnie sat at a table in the Grill, both of then sipping drinks at a booth, Elana once again looked around the Grill for anything suspicious.  

“I feel like I´m going crazy. Totally paranoid all the time.” Elena confessed as she nursed her drink.

“You have a right to be. Klaus is still out there and he knows you tried to kill him.” Bonnie sympathised.

“Why hasn´t he made a move? There has been no sign of him. Nothing. Just my slow spiral into insanity.” Elena questioned her.

“Join the club. I think it has something to do with Celest being back in town. But every time I close my eyes, I have that nightmare. On repeat.” Bonnie told her.

“The same dream?” Elena asked concerned.

“Yeah! Four coffins, Klaus is in one of them. It´s weird.” Bonnie explained.  “What if it´s not just some dream? What if it´s like... you know...witch dream?” Bonnie inquired. “It's just stress. I´ll figure it out. And what about Stefan? Has there been any sign of him?”

“He betrayed us Bonnie. The Stefan that we know is gone.” Elena replied simply.

“How is Damon handling it?” Bonnie asked her.

“Damon is...Damon.” Elena answered as she looked up and around the Grill again just as Celest walked in the door. Celest walked straight up to the bar motioning over for the bar tender. Her large red heel made her clearly visible over the other people already at the bar. Her long legs we’re highlighted in tight fitting grey jeans and a large baggy grey jumper slunked over one of her shoulder. Her dark hair fell around her face, highlighting her perfect skin as she sat on one of the stools still waiting for a bartender to serve her. After a while Matt came up and stood in front of her.                                                                                                            “Look who finally came back to town.” Matt laughed as Celest stood up and gave him a hug across the bar.                                          “Yep, it’s been a while.” Celest told him as she sat down again. “You know what’s also been a while, getting my drink.”                “Straight bourbon. Coming up.” Matt told her as he walked away from her and over to the liquors.

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