The House Guest

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As Elena descended the stairs pulling on her coat over her clothes for school she saw Damon and Celest sitting in the sofa in the living room with Damon reading one of Jonathan Gilbert's journals.

"Good morning, Damon." Elana said as she walked into the living room only to be violently pushed against the wall.

" What are you doing here? I told you to leave." Damon spat.

" What is your problem?"

"You're wearing her clothes? Like that's going to work."

" You think I'm Katherine? Why would you think that? Katherine's in the tomb! Isn't she?" Elana asked causing Damon to releases her just as Stefan arrives.

"What the hell's going on here?" He demanded as he entered the room. 

" I don't know, you tell me. Is Katherine in the tomb or not?" Elana asked. Stefan, just like Damon, rushed over Elena and pushed her against the wall, pinning her there.

" What are you doing?!" Elana demanded.

" How could you do this?!" Stefan fired back.

"Stefan, you're hurting me!" Elana cried.                                                                                           

"Stop it, Katherine!" Stefan shouted.

"Stop what? It's getting really easy being you." Katherine said as she stopped pretending to be Elana and completely changed her attitude from innocent Elana to bitchy Katherine.

Damon pulls her upstairs led by Stefan who takes him directly to his bedroom.

" What is she doing here?" Elana asked.

"When we killed Elijah, it broke the compulsion and freed the bitch from the tomb." Damon said annoyed.

"How's that possible?" Stefan asked.

" He's an Original. They have all sorts of special skills." Celest said from the door way causing everyone in the room to turn around in shock at the new arrival.

" I don't want her here. Get her out of here." Elana said frustrated.

" You need me, Elena. You all do." Katherine said standing next to Celest.

" Like hell." Celest said again.

" We all want the same thing... Klaus dead. Yet here you all are, running around like chickens with their heads cut off." Katherine mocked.

"I don't need your help and I don't want it." Elana said stubbornly.

"And that's incredibly stupid of you. Do you know where Klaus is? When he's coming? What he looks like?" Katherine asked. "I know Celestria does but what about the rest of you, sitting in the dark."

" If you know something, say it or get out." Damon said losing patience.

" Fine. Then I'll just go to the grill and have some lunch... maybe Aunt Jenna's free for a bite." Katherine said as she walked down the stairs and out of the house.

"She always was a ball of light." Celest mocked before turning around and facing Stefan. "Hey my little Vegi Vamp!" She cried before they embraced each other.

"Celest how are you?" 

"I'm good you know, been killed in the last seven days but what's new?" 

"So where have you been for the last 90 years?" 

"Everywhere, but we don't have time for that. You have a human girlfriend?"

"Yeah, Elana." He said as he pointed at the girl stood behind him.

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