Chapter 21 ComicCon

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Sean's P.O.V.
I couldn't believe anyone would want to make something like that for me. And I couldn't believe this was happening in real life. I had just hit 8 million subscribers on my channel. I thought I was never going to make it. This was incredible.
Tori's P.O.V.
Sean had done so well with his YouTube career. He had come so far from when he had started. And I was proud of him. I was proud of what he had done. And what he will do.
Mark's P.O.V.
I knew Sean had hit 8 million subscribers. It was amazing. He had done amazing things with his life and I was glad, proud and honoured to call him my friend.
Daniel's P.O.V.
I didn't want to get up. But I had to. Chelsea was outside in the kitchen and having a delicious breakfast. So I decided to get up and eat. It smelled good.
Chelsea's P.O.V.
Breakfast was the best thing ever. I saw that Sean had hit 8 million subscribers and I smiled internally as I thought back to when I had pressed that subscribe button 4 years ago. I knew then I wasn't planning on changing that and I still don't.
~time skip~
We had finished up breakfast and were preparing to leave. Because today was the day Daniel and I had come for. To go to ComiCon. I was so excited for today. I couldn't wait. I had dressed in my second best clothing and hoped Daniel liked my outfit. I pulled my skirt down and fixed my shoes.
(What I'm wearing:
Black Markiplier short-sleeved shirt
Denim skirt
Black converse high tops
Just saying that coz I can)
I walked into the lounge room and saw Mark wearing a nice shirt and a pair of jeans, with some funky shoes. I noticed he had done his hair nicely. He had brushed his blue hair over on one side and made the rest look 'presentable.' Sean was wearing a tight fitting shirt [same as Mark. Mark's didn't fit very well ;)] and some jeans. Tori had a nice shirt on and a long skirt. I smiled and noticed everyone staring at me. I blushed and then saw Daniel come towards me. He was wearing a very tight fitting shirt, showing off his abs. I blushed even more and giggled. He looked so hot. "Alright, let's get this show on the road." Mark exclaimed. We all jumped into his car and headed off to the venue. We reached the place and all jumped out. Mark and Sean headed off to where they were needed and Tori, Daniel and I walked in the main entrance. Suddenly, a huge wave of people came out of nowhere and pushed against Daniel, Tori and me. I tripped but kept my balance. In the meantime, Daniel and Tori had gotten pushed somewhere else. "Daniel? Tori? Mark? Sean?" And the tears began to fall.
What's going to happen to Chelsea? Keep reading to find out! Oh wait, you can't. Because it hasn't been reading. lol. I don't think you're laughing now are you, Tori? MWAHAHAHAHA!

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