Chapter Five.

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"Where are you taking me then Mr Dalentino" Ruby asked her companion for the evening; hoping that her nerves weren't showing through as much as she was actually feeling them.

"Oh don't worry I think you will enjoy it. And stop being so formal, lighten up a little bit Angel" Lucas smirked to himself using his nickname for her, he had just the perfect place to take her too. It was a fancy restaurant that had all raving reviews about it splashed all over the internet and in all different manners of newspapers and magazines.

"Will I now Lucas?" Ruby replied, emphasising his name to show that she was being less formal. Trying to have a little bit of attitude to combat his own.

"Yes my darling Angel you will" Lucas chuckled to himself, knowing that the nickname he had devised for her and quite liked using actually as it had a certain ring to it that he enjoyed, annoyed the living daylights out of her. This was of course another appeal of using said nickname as he just loved the way her cute little nose bunched up in annoyance every time he used it.

"Oh for goodness sake, let's just get this over with shall we?" Ruby retorted, storming off towards Lucas' car waiting for him to follow and unlock the doors so she could get in.

"As you wish Angel" Lucas flashed her a proper smile, that she was ashamed to say made her heart skip a beat ever so slightly. Before unlocking the car for her and opening the door for her to get in. Being gentlemanly as well, ugh can he please stop it's doing funny things to me. Ruby thought to herself as she climbed into the car; things that make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, he's just so beautiful, especially when he smiles like that. No Ruby stop! She mentally slapped herself as she fumbled with the seat belt as a very amused Lucas watched.

"Can we just go now please?" Ruby snapped as she looked up at Lucas who was still stood by her door.

"Yes madam as you wish" Lucas winked at her as he closed the door and then climbed into his side, starting up the engine and driving off to the very posh and very expensive restaurant.


After a few minuets of sitting in silence as the streets passed them by Ruby reached out and put the radio on, settling on a channel that played old fashioned music, like Elvis and the like, he was her favourite artist, although not a lot of people knew that as she knew they would find it weird and make fun of her. Such was life at school. You had to fit in otherwise you would get ripped into big time, and she really couldn't be bothered with all the hassle.

"You like Elvis?" Lucas asked slightly impressed, he didn't care for the modern music that stormed the charts these days as it was all just about sex and drugs, not appealing at all to be perfectly honest.

"Uhm yeah, I know it's weird. Sorry I'll turn it off" Ruby mumbled softly, reaching out to turn it the radio off.

"No, no I didn't mean it like that" Lucas reached out also, stopping her hand before it touched the button. "I was saying it because I'm impressed" He turned to her, offering her one of his proper smiles again, causing her heart to flutter once more. To which she mentally cursed, yet again.

"Oh r-right" She stuttered, averting his gaze as it became too intense for her to handle."

"And it's not weird at all Angel" Lucas grinned as he pulled into the car park of the restaurant " Elvis is and always will be The King" He chuckled softly winking at her as he did so.

"Yes he most certainly is" Ruby laughed along with him, relaxing a little more in his company.

"Right, well here we are" Lucas said as he pulled the car into a parking space.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2016 ⏰

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