Chapter Four

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Ruby walked into school with her best friend Rhiannon, her arms filled with a large box that was almost bulging with the amount of things that were inside it, ribbons of all colours and sizes tumbling over the edges, along with the huge banner that was also situated within the box.

“What time does the fundraiser auction and dance start tonight then?” Rhiannon asked as they neared the schools assembly hall, where everything was being set up.

“Seven 'O clock, so it gives us plenty of time to set up” Ruby replied as they continued to walk

“Whose coming to bid then?” Rhiannon asked, “Any cute guys?” She winked

“Well considering anybody from the school can bid for a date with any of us girls who are willing to go on a date with the highest bidder, I'm sure there will be some cute guys there yes” Ruby giggled along with her best friend

“Oooh lets hope I get a rich one too, then he can shower me with lots of gifts” Rhiannon began still laughing with along with Ruby, “Ruby wait watch ou-” She said just before Ruby collided with a certain somebody.

“We have to stop meeting like this Angel” A warm and unfortunately familiar voice sounded out between the two of them as Ruby tried to pull herself up into an upright position once again.

“What are you doing here?” Ruby snapped uncharacteristically as she brushed some of the ribbons that had fallen onto her when the pair had collided with one another.

“Well now that's no way to talk to a friend now is it Angel?” Lucas winked at Ruby totally unaware that she was in fact the one that had heard him the other night and so as a result of this she was trying to avoid him and give him the cold shoulder.

“Stop calling me that” Ruby retorted as she stood up “And we aren't friends. Now if you don't mind I'm going to go and start setting up for tonight” She finished before grabbing the contents that had fallen from the box, placing them back into it and walking away with it in her hands.

“Are you going up for auction tonight?” Lucas shouted after her with a huge smirk plastered across his face.

“Goodbye Lucas” Ruby shouted over her shoulder without turning to look back at him

“That's a definite yes then” He grinned to himself as he walked out of the hall and to his next class.


The hall had been set up rather quickly due to the amount of help that Ruby had thankfully been given by not only her friends but also by her fellow students who were all willing to help where the cause of the fund raising auction was concerned.

“Well that's everything set up just time to get changed now then” Rhiannon said to Ruby, the excitement clear in every single word she spoke.

“Yeah I guess it is” Ruby smiled up at her friend, a little nervous for the auction as she didn't want some creep to bid on her and win and then she would have to go on a date with him as that was the prize. And of course she would have to accept it gracefully as it was all for their friend who was sick and needed the money to get special chemotherapy that the NHS sadly didn't offer.

“Come on then woman, lets get our outfits on and wow the crowd with out beauty” Rhiannon winked, flipping her hair dramatically over her shoulder before grabbing Ruby's hand and dragging her towards the backstage area where everybody was getting changed and beautifying themselves in time for the auction.

“Are you sure this looks okay?” Ruby asked Rhiannon as she fumbled with skirt of her dress.

“Yes you look very vintage and also very stunning” Rhiannon smiled slipping her hand into her best friends, squeezing it to give her some support as they all lined up to go onto stage.

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