Chapter Three

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Lucas had been studying the shy, and yet, all together enticing Ruby, to whom he had took the liberty of nicknaming 'Angel', even if she did not fully know it just yet, as he sat at the back of the tediously boring History class. He had lived through most of it so why would he even bother learning it from a deadbeat teacher who knew absolutely nothing about making a lesson exciting, never mind actually engaging the pupils into taking in, and God forbid retaining the knowledge.

"Now does anybody here know why the First World War started?" The teacher, whose name Lucas could not recall, asked the class in his monotonous voice. When nobody replied he decided to pick on a pupil, "Miss Lockwood, would you care to answer my question?" He asked a very startled Ruby, who just sat there in shock, her brain going into overdrive as she tried to come up with her answer.

"Uh, uhm" She stuttered over her words,

"Come on Miss Lockwood, we don't have all day" The teacher pressed,

""Uh, ermm" Ruby stumbled over her words once more, her cheeks now beginning to blush with the embarrassment that the horrid man of a teacher was trying to inflict on her. Lucas could not sit there a moment longer and watch his poor Angel be subjected to this mockery that was the idiot's teaching.

"The First World War broke out due to many contributing factors, however the immediate reason was because of the decisions taken by the statesman and generals during the July Crisis of 1914 which was of course caused by the assassination of Archduke of Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie, by a man named Gavrilo Princip, who was a member of the Serbian nationalist organisation." Lucas finished leaving the class, including the teacher in complete shock, and also a little in awe, and Lucas himself with a huge smirk plastered across his features.

"Thank you Mr Dalentino, that was a perfect answer" The teacher said, still a little stunned by Lucas' answer, before he continued on with the lesson.

His Angel remained quiet as usual when in class, however her eyes kept on flickering over to Lucas, who kept the smirk he had on his face hidden behind his hand that he was leaning on, as he pretended to write down whatever the bumbling idiot of a teacher was talking about now.

The bell sounded out only moments later and everybody began gathering their books, the sound of rustling papers and the horrid sound of scraping chairs on the floors drowning out the bell as it finally rang off. Lucas grabbed his things quickly and raced towards the door where Angel was exiting the classroom with her friend 'Rhiannon was it?' Lucas thought to himself, just in time to hold the door open for her and catch a few moments to talk with her.

"You never did say thank you for me saving you in there" Lucas said as he looked down at his Angel who looked shy as she gazed up at him.

"I'll see you at my car okay, cause I need to get something from Miss Marshall" Her friend smirked as she left the two of them together.

"Oh yes right sorry, thank you" She replied, fumbling to get her words out, as she watched her friend walk away leaving her with the new and very mysterious boy, or so she thought so anyway.

"That's no problem at all..." He gestured for her to tell him her name

"Oh right sorry, I'm Ruby, nice to meet you.." She smiled up at him gesturing also for his name

"Lucas, Lucas Dalentino" He replied as he turned her name over in his head, it wasn't exactly what he was expecting for the name of an Angel, he was thinking more along the lines of something like 'Hope' or 'Faith', but no it was Ruby, a shining jewel in the rough"And stop saying sorry, you have nothing to be sorry about" He continued as he snapped out of it

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