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As Simon and Astrid wait in the cafe for Clary, she looks down at her writing book. As Clary is the artist out of them, Astrid is the author. She was trying for the Brooklyn Academy Of Arts today. The two look up and see her walking towards them, with a sad face. The pair stands up.

"Give me the professor's names and I-I will end them." Simon threatened. Astrid pulls Clary into a hug, which she returns.

"You-You know with an email to the dean." Simon corrects himself. Clary sets her stuff down, then shakes her head at Simon.

"Don't bother." Clary says and hands him a paper. She sits down next to Clary. He picks up the paper.

"What!" Simon exclaims as soon as he read the paper. He passes the note toward Astrid. She got in.

"The sad face? Really?" Clary giggles, The blonde punches her shoulder lightly and pushes the paper back toward her. "Well played Fray." Astrid says.

"Thank you." Clary sighs. "You know it's weird. They kinda liked my assigned work but they flipped out over the designs for our graphic novel." Clary pulls out the box she had drawn on. The three are working on a graphic novel. Clary was doing the drawings, Astrid was doing the writing and Simon was coming up with names and the plots.

"You're welcome." Simon and Astrid say at the same time.

"This day will go down in history as the greatest 18th birthday I will ever have." Clary annouces. Astrid's phone buzzes from her pocket. She takes it out.
Text from Momma
Momma- Come home we need to talk.
Astrid- Mkay. Be home in a few.

She sighs and puts her phone in her pocket. Her friends look over at her.

"Uh oh. Astrid is in trouble." Simon mocks as she gets up and grabs her bag.

"Bite me Simon." She sasses. "I gotta go. I'll see you later. If my mom let's me leave." She adds. Clary nods at her best friend. The blonde walks out of the shop and walks to her apartment. She stops at her old bricky apartment building. She walks around. Opening the door to the hallway. She walks up the steps, unlocking the door to the house.

She walks in the front door and immediately gets ambushed in a hug by her little brother James. She laughs.

"Hello to you too." She says while laughing. She holds him on her hip. Like her mom used to. She throws her bag on the couch and walks into the kitchen where her mom was. Astrid looks just like her mom. Blonde hair and green eyes. Skinny arms.

"Hey mom." Astrid says, sitting down on a stool and putting James on her lap. Her mother turns around.

"How's the writing going?" Her mother, Wendy, asks.

"Good. I hope." Astrid answers and sighs.

"Don't worry Astrid, the people at the publishing will love it." Wendy says. The front door opens. Her dad walks in.

"There's my little author." Her dad says. Her fathers name is Danny. James looks just like their father. The hair and eyes. He picks up James and slides something infront of Astrid. She looks down. It was mail. Adressed to Astrid. It was from New York University.

She quickly opens it and pulls the letter out. It read.

Dear Astrid Rubio,
Congratulations you have been accepted to NYU. We are glad to see a talented person like you to come here.
She doesn't read the rest.

"I got in!" Astrid exclaims. Wendy picks up the letter and hugs her daughter.

"I gotta go tell Clary and Simon." She says walking toward the door but her mom stops her.

"We need to talk remeber." Wendy says. Astrid nods. The two walk to the living room. They sit down on the couch. Wendy takes something out of her pocket.

"Have you ever heard of people that fight shadows?" Wendy asks, gaining a confused look from Astrid.

"Mom what's going on?" She asks.

"We'll talk about this in the moring. Tell Clary you can't go out tonight." Wendy says. Astrid stands up.

"What? Mom. Please it's her 18th birthday. I promised her I would be there." Astrid says angry. Wendy stands up.

"Hun. It's for your own good. Just go to your room." Wendy says. Astrid runs to her room and slams the door. She lays on her bed and pulls out her phone. She opens Clary's contact.
To Clary-
My mom is being mean again, can't come. Tell Maureen I said hi.
A few minutes later her phone dings.
From Clary-
It's alright. I'll see you tomorrow.
To Clary-
See you tomorrow.

She puts her phone down and stands up. Astrid walks over to her closet and pulls out a shirt and sweatpants. She puts on the shirt and pants and sits down on her bed. She grabs her beanie and puts it over her blonde hair.
×Night Time×
Astrid has been working on her book that she was writing. She hears a bang coming from the roof. She sits up putting her book to the side, she stands up, sliding her uggs on. The blonde walks toward her window. She sees a shadow. A tall boy with dark black hair and tattoos all over. He was standing on her fire escape.

She walks over to the window opening it. Making the boy turn around.

"Who the hell are you?" She asks. He looks at the blonde confused.

"You can see me?" He asks.
"Well yeah, I'm not blind." She sasses. "But your mundane."
"Excuse me?"
"Alec!" A girls voice yells from outside.
"Gotta go. Nice chatting mundie." He says and disappears. He was heading toward the Pandemonium. She wasn't letting him get away, that easily.
Yay first Chapter.
Word count- 971
[ Gotta Blast !]

Her Protector ¥ Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now