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Astrid jolts awake. She blinks fast. Looking at her surroundings. She looks to her side and sees the dark haired boy from her fire escape.

"W-what. Why am I here? What happened?" She questions. The boy turns his attention to the blonde.

"You were bit by a demon. If I left you there you would've died." The boy explains. She nods.

"I'm Alec by the way. And you're Astrid Rubio." Alec says, gaining a confused look from Astrid.

"It's a long story. I'll leave you to get change." Alec says. Getting up and leaving the room. Astrid stands up and walks over to the chair which had the clothes on it. She picks up a pair of leather jeans and a crop top that was looked tight. As she was taking off the grey top someone had put on her. She sees something on the side of her stomache. It was some kind of tattoo. She puts the clothes on.
She looks at her reflection in the mirror. "Damn." She mutters to herself. She pushes a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. She slips the heels on that was next to the chair. She walks outside of the room and down the hallway looking for Alec. She bumps into someone. She looks up.

"Um sorry." Astrid says. The other girl looks up. She had long blonde hair and brown eyes. She also had runes all over her. She looked younger than Astrid.

"It's alright. You must be Astrid. I'm Kara." The girl says. Astrid nods.

"If you're looking for Alec he is in that room down there." Kara says pointing to a room. Astrid nods and mumbles a thanks and walks down the hallway to the room. She looks inside. She sees her red head best friend. Clary. Along with Alec, a boy with blonde hair and a girl that looked like Alec.

"Oh my god Clary." Astrid says walking into the room, the heels clicking as she walked.

"What are you doing here Astrid?" Clary asks looking at her best friend. Astrid sits on the foot of the bed.

"My mom and dad kinda brought me here. But my dad wasn't my dad. He was some kind of monster. A-" Astrid says only to get cut off by Alec.

"A demon." Astrid looks up at him and nods.

"Where's James?" Clary asks. Astrid looks down at her lap.

"I don't know." She mutters.

"Come on big brother. Go on a walk with me. Let them be alone." The girl with the dark hair says grabbing Alec's arm and dragging him out of the room.

"Astrid. Your a Rubio. Right?" Jace asks. Astrid nods and looks up at him.
"Yeah why?" Astrid asks.

"Your mom and dad were like us. So they tell us. Your parents gave up their positions to raise you and your brother as a Mundane. The Rubios are another one of the high up families in Idris." Jace explains.

"This is all just so crazy. I'm going home." Astrid says getting up, but Jace stops her.

"This is your home now." Jace says. Astrid sighs as he walks back over to Clary. When Jace was deep into conversation with Clary. Astrid slips out of the room, towards the front door. Before she got there someone grabbed her arm.

"Where are you going?" It was Alec.

"Back home." Astrid says pulling her arm from his grip.

"You can't go out there on your own." Alec says. Astrid turns and faces him, crossing her arms.

"And why can't I?" Astrid asks.

"There are demons out there. They know where you are. They'll find you and kill you." Alec says, making Astrid roll her eyes.

"Maybe you should come with me. Oh wise Alexander." Astrid says, mockingly bowing. Alec rolls his eyes.
"My pleasure." Alec says sarcastically. The two walk to the front door of the institute and open the door. The two walk down the street towards Astrid's apartment. Her mothers car wasn't infront of the apartment.

"Shit." Astrid mutters. She runs toward the front door, Alec close behind her. The front door had a huge pad lock on it.

"What the hell." Astrid says breathlessly. She pulls at the lock, slowly getting frustrated and scared. She kicks the door, bangs on it. Slowly she starts crying.

"Astrid. Astrid calm down. Getting like this isn't gonna help." Alec says, grabbing the girls arms to stop her from hitting things. Alec's soft side showed for Astrid. He turns her around to face him.

"I'll get you in there. I promise." Alec says calmly, wipping her tears. Astrid had calmed down. Alec walks over to the lock, pulling out his stele. He draws a rune on the lock making it break. He pushes the door open, Astrid walks past him. She runs up the steps, getting to the top. The front door was open.

"The hell." Astrid mutters. She walks inside. Things were normal, not a thing out of place.

"Mom?! James?! Dad?!" Astrid yells moving around. She goes to her room. A pad lock on that too.

"Oh fuck. You got to be kidding me." Astrid says. "Alright I got an idea." She whispers to herself. She kicks off her heels and slips on the pair of her mother's sneakers on. She walks to the window in the living room and opens it.

"Astrid what are you doing." Alec asks.

"Just make sure I don't fall." Astrid says climbing onto the fire escape. Alec follows her out. She stands on the rail, Alec holding onto her waist. She reaches her foot to the other rail, she feels her foot slip and she looses her balance. Before she could fall straight to the pavement, she grabs onto the railing.

"Astrid. Hold on. I'll get you." Alec says. He jumps over to the other side of the fire escape. His strong arms grip hers pulling her shaking body up.

"Shit." Astrid mutters, bending down, putting her shaky hands on her knees.

"You okay?" Alec asks. Astrid nods.

"I'm fine. Lets just see what's in my room." Astrid says. She opens her window and regrets seeing what she saw.
Word count- 1030
[Gotta Blast !]

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