chapter two

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Snow engulfed the grounds of Hogwarts. Hermione had not noticed it but as she and Severus made their way towards the Head's office, it became much clearer.

"Did you know that it was snowing? I hadn't noticed it until now." She said to him but he ignored her. She felt humiliated to hear him snort and even more so when she heard him mutter "stupid girl".

"Got something to say?" She asked angrily. How was it that she felt hurt whenever he did something like that?

Severus glared at her with his obsidian eyes. She glared right back before jogging ahead, not wanting to be near him anymore.

Severus felt a pang of hurt as Hermione raced ahead. He knew he was being an arse, it was the only way that he could express himself. He was petrified of rejection and he was sure that when news spread about his love for his ex student, then she would mock him and steer away. Severus couldn't let that happen, she was far too important to him already.

They got to the office and let themselves in. Professor McGonagall who was sitting at her desk looked up and gestured to the seats opposite her.

Hermione fiddled with her hands nervously. What would happen after Minerva knew about the hair that she had found?

Not wanting to wait any longer, Hermione produced the little plastic bag from her pocket. Severus looked ever so calm, as if he hadn't heard of what was happening. Minerva, on the other hand looked like she had seen the ghost of her Great Aunt Merida.

"Is this.."

"Yes." She said matter-of-factly

"Severus, Hermione, I have a preposition for you. I know that you are not the closest of people but we need to catch the monster who is kidnapping our students."

Hermione gulped.

"We use this hair to trace our kidnapper and then I send you two out to go find them."

"What?" Both Hermione and Severus yelled.

Severus did not think that he had heard the woman correctly.

"You want us to trace this kidnapper down? To leave our safe posts and find a lunatic who's been taken children?" Severus stated.

"Yes, precisely."

"Alright. When do we begin?" Hermione asked.


"Severus please!" Hermione begged. He adamantly refused, even when she batted her eyelids adorably and made his insides stir with butterflies.

"You cannot possibly ask for me to do that. I'll be a laughing stock. I refuse."

"I'll be changing my appearance too! It's a disguise Severus, we'll be found out if we don't wear one." Hermione dangled her legs from his desk like a toddler.

"Restrain yourself Miss Granger, as I have told you many times before." Severus's voice was cold and harsh but not enough to make Hermione Granger listen.

"We'll make a deal. I'll get mine done first and then you'll get yours done. Minerva wants us gone by dawn and I don't blame her."

Severus was nervous that he had to undergo a 'makeover'. Earlier that night, she had put a spell on the hair in order to give them a clue as to where their kidnapper was. He/she was located in London. It wasn't much but it was a start.

"I'll agree to it." He said with a morose voice.

"Great! I'll come over when I'm done."

Hermione let herself leave the room and headed towards the Headmistress's office. When she got there she was surprised to see the red-haired with whom she had spent many days talking with.

"Ginny!" She exclaimed with a huge smile on her face. Ginny grinned, flashing her bright white teeth.

"Ginny, if you'd get started." The elder woman said. Ginny nodded and gave her a sharp look. Minerva creased her forehead and nodded.

Hermione was baffled. Either they know something I don't or Ginny has taken up telepathy thought Hermione.

"We need to go into that room," began Ginny, gesturing towards a little black door at the edge of the office.

"I need to begin on your hair-"

"You're doing my makeover?"

Ginny gave Hermione an are-you-serious look and ushered her through the door. Inside there was mount upon mount of clothes, a vanity table full with brushes and scissors and a huge black chair which presumably spun around.

"Sit down and let's get started."


Two hours of snipping later, Hermione appeared at Severus's door. True to her word, she was keen to show him her look, however awful it looked.

Severus had been drinking coffee when he heard a knock at his door. He placed his coffee down at his table and got up swiftly to answer.

He was astounded as he saw her. She looked stunning, nay, absolutely bloody gorgeous. He knew that he was staring jaw-open and shut it quickly.

Hermione Granger was beautiful. Her bushy hair had been cut to just under her ear ; a great improvement from the nest that lay there before. She had a bit of makeup on, eyeliner and Severus couldn't really remember the names of the other things. His brain was struggling to function. All he could see was her, the creases on her face, the outline of her lips. It was painful to see her looking like this. Knowing that she would never want him, love him, embrace him, care for him. He would always be Severus Snape, colleague, former professor, dungeon bat. He would never be Severus Snape, friend, lover, husband.

"I look hideous! My hair, my bushy hair! That was my trademark." Hermione moaned at him.

"On the contrary Hermione, I think you look rather nice" He put his lips into a thin line as he said this.

"Was that a compliment?" She teased as she took a seat onto his sofa.

"Compliment? Rather, just proving that a good haircut can even make the hideous look beautiful"

"Oh shut up you old bat" retorted Hermione, who was struggling to hide the blush that was so evidently on her cheeks. Severus just called me beautiful she thought appreciatively. She looked up at him but he had taken a seat at the table with his cup of coffee. She smiled as he took a small sip. She had never really looked at him. Now she was noticing the slight hook on his nose, the paleness of his skin and even the tinge of pink on his lips.

He wasn't ugly at all...


Hi, hello :) I've been so busy this week, I was supposed to post three days ago but being in year 11 is kind of stressful and time consuming. Also, I've been reading Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare and it's pretty amazing so far. Have a nice time reading my story!

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