chapter fifteen

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The bedsheets were cold and tingly against Hermione's skin, but to be honest, her skin was already tingling. She could feel Severus's touch on her arms and she could smell him on her, if that made sense.

She was complete. Absolutely complete. A grin formed on her face as she remembered their confessions, and then the feel on his lips against hers.

Is this a dream? Will I wake up from this? She asked herself. It was as real as the sun, as real as day itself. Severus Snape loved her and she loved him. Is this what true happiness feels like?

Hermione wasn't the only one feeling immensely happy. Severus could not sleep at all. He was remembering how bloody gorgeous his Hermione was, and how much he loved her and wanted to be with her until his death. He too was shocked as to how he could be so intoxicated by just her look and walk, and how a single being could make him feel the best he had since life began.

"I love you Hermione Granger." He repeated over and over again lightly. It was true. He loved her. He loved her so much. Severus decided that he should sleep as dawn was only a couple of hours away and a meeting was to be had early in the morning.

As for Hermione, she was wondering the million pound question.

Does being in love cause insomnia? Her mind would not shut off even to let her sleep for a few hours. Soon, the buzzing became less and less until finally, at four thirty am, Hermione fell asleep.


Morning came quickly and at the first crack of light, Severus awoke. Contrary to belief, he was not very graceful during his sleepy state and as he rose from bed, he banged into a chair, stubbed a toe on a table and nearly crashed into his sink.

Furiously swearing, he brushed his teeth and put on a fresh pair of robes. He hadn't realised how much he missed the robes that he wore, especially their mountain of buttons and the warmth it brung. He equipped himself with his wand, took a sip from a cup of water that was on his table and left his chambers to go to the staff room.

The staff room was the usual place for meetings and Severus liked to arrive extra early in order to make sure that no gossip about him was going on. More than once he had found Madam Pomfrey and a few professors talking about him in secrecy and spreading ludicrous rumours about him. One morning, he walked in to find the new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher, a wide woman named Professor Gretchley and the usual suspect, Pomfrey, exclaiming that she had once seen Severus in nothing but his underwear and a flimsy tank top. To this, Severus snorted, bringing the women back to their senses.

"Professor Gretchley, refrain from spreading false stories about myself. I neither own a tank top and I would rather like to hear of how you managed to catch me in nothing but my underwear?"

It was amusing to watch them stammer, blush and then stammer some more.

He smirked at the memory and found his way to the staff room. It was a weird room with an array of mismatched chairs. Severus sat in the one furthest away from the door. He really did not like meetings especially since Neville Longbottom took over Herbology a few years ago. He had gotten used to the annoying presence of the man but somehow, Neville still managed to infuriate Severus up to the point where he wanted to smash his head with a cauldron. Repeatedly.

"Severus? In here alone?" Came the deep voice of Professor Gretchley. She wore a huge, purple robe with small ruffles on each arm. She sat on the opposite side of the room with an uncomfortable smile aimed at him. He snorted at her pathetic attempt of pleasantries and continued to stare at some old magazine which he had found on the counter.

Soon, the room became filled with Severus's colleagues and Professor Mcgonagall decided to begin her talk. Severus listened with his ears but his mind was wondering where Hermione was. She was the only one not to have attended and usually, she was up here before anyone.

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