The Trip part 2

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Nothing felt the same for me anymore. I felt like i was going under. All around me was life or death. Everything i came to know, is now gone. i fear that the little things that made me, me were now starting to fade away. the outgoing, fun, crazy, loving person seems to have died. I felt like i was thrown into a world that has turn me into the person, i fought so hard not to become. My mother alway said life would make me stronger. Seems like life made me too stronge. No one or nothing stands a chance againest me. My blood turn cold when it comes down to having kill anything. whether that person is alive or dead. If your a threat, then i wont stop to think, i'll just pull the trigger. The trigger that takes someones life away in one blow. I wrapped my heart up and kept underlock. No one could go in, only out. Who am i now?

Your worst nightmare. The girl will the skills to kill you with her bare hands. The girl who is only 5ft but throws a deadly punch. the girl who feels nothing when she takes your life away. The girl whos heart that was once loving now, pure ice. Thats what 3 weeks of living in this 'place' has done. No one said life was fair, but no one said that change was always good. I'm a perfect example of what hate, and death everywhere, can do to you. At 18 i'm already a skilled killer, with no heart when its time to kill.

Everybody's fool. Thats what i am. Deep inside of the holow body, i know the old me still lives. The girl who would do anything for her love ones. The one who will help the helpless. The one that loves.......... The young girl who misses her family more then anything. The inoccent, helpless girl who was sucked into a life a NO ONE diserved to be living.

Yes i was that girl! the girl who got everything she loved riped from her. The girl who is going under. Burning inside with hurt and hatered..............

Just looking out the window as i drive to this place of 'peace and hope'. All the hope we held was thrown out the window when this virus came and sweped almost everyone to a state of crazed flesh eating zombies. The only 'hope' i had was to get there alive, and to be able to see my parents. I know its only been a day since i left them but that small part of me that felt love, missed them so much that i knew if it were for me i would turn back and stay with them instead.

But I know that i can't, i have people live's in my hands

Everyone was either talking to eachother or listening to the music on their phones, ipods, ipads, ect. Dulce sat in the front seat today, since she didn't get much sleep last night after she found out her parents were dead. She's very hurt about the news and i saw how much it hurt her. If i was in her place, the small part of me that still felt love, would have broken all together, and left me empty. But Dulce was naturly a loving girl. She still had her 3 little brothers and little sister to take care of. She wasn't going to let this turn her into what its turned me into. She need some sleep and i told her to sleep in the front so she can sort of lay down and be able to sleep without people talking beside her.

After 3 hours we were sore and we were on a highway that was untill i finally had to turn into a street that was covered in tree's everywhere. Thats when everyone started complaining about haveing no signal. Dang it! where was this stupid GPS taking us. I heard a honk from behind me. I knew it was michael, since he couldn't call me and was trying to get my attention. I rolled down my window and let him drive up beside me.

"Do you think this is safe? We have no signal..." he asked said.

"Its fine, its only for right now. we just have to stay together. Besides who can we call if something does happen? i highly doubt poeple are going to want to leave the safety of the walls." I said in a mater-of-fact manner. He should of known better.... Can't say i blame him. I really dont like the idea of our phones not working here either. But i didn't want the people in the cars to get scared. So just rolled the window up and started to drive again. I could see michael through my re-mirror. Concern was written all over his face. I knew something else has been bothering him. Ever since we met up at forset city, i noticed him acting a bit different. I know him almost as well as i know my self.

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