the truth

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~previouse episode~

•"mom" Then i saw her tense and completely freeze in her seat.


"you shouldn't of left, now your in grave danger!" She covered her face with hands and was shaking her head as if she were crying. Her back was still faced to me but i know my mother and i could tell she was on the break of crying.

"Leave now!" She screamed at me. She finally stood up and slowly faced me. When her eyes layed on me the tears she was trying hard to hold in were now pouring down her face. It didn't take long until i felt wet drops falling down my cheeks. I was shocked that she yelled at me. i never thougth my mom would yell for me to leave. but i was not leaveing here without some answers and them!

"NO!!" I tired saying firmly but my voice broke and made me sound desprate.

"Roxy this is no time to be stuborn! you must leave-..."My mom couldn't finish since we heared footsteps coming towards us and then seconds later i felt arms around me. I knew it was my little brother who has completely out grown me. He was 14 years old and much taller then me. As much as he annoyed me, i still love him. He is the only sibling i have.

"Sis your back! Its so good to be able to see you!" He said to me while picking me up from behind and spining me around.

"But i thought you weren't soppst to come back?" he countiouned when he finally put me back. Thats when my father came in as well.

"Daniel i thought i told you to stop leaveing me behind and runing off without..-" he couldn't finish since he saw me standing there in the middle of the room, with a crying mom near the window and my younger brother behind me with his arm around my shoulder. I think Daniel is the only one happy to see me. Which truly hurts.

"Whats going on here, and why are you back Roxy?!" Great both my parents are yelling at me and are upset im back.

"Hey were did you get that ring sis? Did a boy give it to you..??" He said jokingly, while poking my tummy.

I could feel everyones eyes on the ring around me neck, which reminded me i need to give this back to my mother. Its now or never i guess.

"I found this ring on a stop we did while going to the 'walls' but ran into a zombie....who talks. Well actually i ran into another like that before that encounter, but anyways. She told me that she knew me and 'finally the ring made it back home' and that i look a lot like you mom. But she said that there is a truth about our family that i didn't know about. and that she was going to take me away. But of course i sent her to her 2nd death. And to answer your question 'why im back' I found out you guys lied to me!....... and that you never left Hendersonville." I saw my whole family go very still and looked upset. i'm guessing they think Michael told me, which isn't exactly true since i overheard him. "And no Michael didn't tell me i overheard him talking about it. Who could you make him lie to me?! I'm so stupid, i thought the only reason he hated talking about the subject of you guys was cause he didn't want to worry me, but no... It was because he hated lieing to me. You made th guy was in love with me lie to me! And now i want the truth!"

"Truth always comes with a price babe." My whole body went stil and i felt so numbed. What is he doing here?! and please tell me he doesn't the truth! Come on! I'm the one in the family and its like i'm the last to know.

"Osbaldo! what you doing here?!" I turned around and saw him coming in from behind the bar. He must of used the back doors. But he wasn't alone he had a small army of zombies behind him. But they looked more then ready to eat us alive but........... it looked like they were waiting on his command. Ok this is just getting freakier by the minute! Osbaldo hasn't changed much except his once light tan skin is now deathly pale. He had black veins runing down his neck and body. But they didn't show a lot. Espically on his face, the veins in his face where normal. How could this be?! His once jade green eyes has red specks around the pupile. He looked half normal.

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