Chapter 2

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I stopped running. I wanted to carry on but my body disagreed. I decided to sit on the ground of scorching sand. Bad idea. However, right now I really don't give a damn.

Finally, I notice a guy in his early twenties approach me ,however, it was not my pursuer, his face seemed soft and gentle yet still incredibly sculpted and chiselled.

His eyes pierced right through me, as if he could my every thought and emotion, as if he could tell my desperation, my confusion and my exhaustion. His eyes were a beautiful ocean blue, so refreshing and soothing,they didn't belong here in this hell hole.

His brown hair spreading in every direction clearly due to the humidity. He gave me a quick smile that sent my heart to a daze. How could someone this gorgeous be stuck in here?

He extends his hand in front of him so that I could grab it and get up.

"You're beautiful, you know that?" he says to me.

I'm completely speechless. Here I was standing in front of this gorgeous guy in my denim shorts and a simple lace crop top none the less , who had just claimed that I was beautiful.

I blush profusely.

"Thank you." I reply unable to stop blushing

That's when I remember about the pursuer and start to look around me scared that he would jump at me any second.

Ocean eyes is alarmed my actions and asks me "What's wrong?"

"Well there was this angry guy chasing me, I'm just scared if he comes back." I tell him.

"Oh, I see you met Chapdal." He says

"Chapdal?" I ask.

"Chapdal, likes to make our lives more of a living hell, some like to play cards when they're bored but not Chapdal he likes to piss people off." He tells me.

"So why are we here?" I ask Ocean eyes while we walk in the middle of nowhere.

"Dunno, all I know is that I wanna get out. But, see my darling that's where you come in." He says with that boyish smile of his that send my heart alight.

"Me, what could I possibly do?" I ask in a rather confused tone.

"Can you trust me?" Ocean eyes asks me, who has stopped walking and is looking me straight in the eyes.

"Hmmmmm. I dunno, my mummy always told me not to trust hot guys in the middle of nowhere." I say jokingly with my index finger tapping my chin.

"Well sometimes even mummys can be wrong." He said charmingly, with that said he grabs me so that I'm in the arms of a gorgeous guy and my arms around his neck as if my life depends on it. His majestic eyes locked on mine, I kind of wished this wasn't a far-fetched dream that would soon end because this felt so magically catastrophic, like one of those adventure movies everyone talks about.

I soon doze off.

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