To kiss or to be kissed?

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Din nou. Poveste scrisă pentru o prietenă foarte bună : crazy_kid_69.
Mi-a cerut să o scriu în engleză... deci aşa am făcut. ^^

Această poveste este un yuri, adică girl x girl. Enjoy! :))

"Don't touch it. It's gross! Just kill it already!" screamed the blonde girl.

The other one chuckled "It's just a little spider, Mel. I'll catch it and free it outside."

"Whatever..." she said, waving her hand in disgust.

The other girl took the spider and went outside. In the meantime, Melody took her laptop, putting it on her lap and continued to work on her fanfiction. She already had 10 chapters and she felt inspired tonight.

A few minutes later, Becca returned to the room and when she saw Mel typing she frowned "Writing again?" she asked.

"I'm going to take a shower. If you ne-"
"Ok. Bye!"

With that, Becca left the room and went straight to the bathroom. She stepped inside the shower tub and turned on the water.

For more than 15 minutes she just stood there, letting the water run down her body, soaking her. She was feeling restless and... sad? She didn't know why, but she was feeling that way for quite a while now. She kept thinking about a lot of things, but she could focus at none except one... her...

Why was she thinking about Mel? Mel was just her room mate. Her lazy, coward (who it's still afraid of the dark at that age?), weird, crazy even, obsessed-with-gay-couples room mate. But... she was pretty. She had long blonde hair and green-emerald eyes... and she was so tall (taller than her anyway) and she was kind with everyone and funny.

Mel had stopped her writing half an hour ago because she couldn't continue that scene. She had a writer's block. So, when Becca came out of the bathroom she found Mel sitting on the couch with her head in her hands. She looked so vulnerable.

Becca wanted to go to her bedroom, but something made her do something else. She tiptoed her way to the couch and put her arms around the blonde girl.

Mel was a little startled when she felt warm hands around her, but then she calmed down when she realised it was her room mate. She inhaled the brunette's girl scent and went limp into her arms. "You are so warm. Mmmhhh... Feels good."

Becca smiled and felt her heart starting to race. She then climbed onto the couch beside the blonde and hugged her tightly, tangling one of her hands in the other's hair and the other hand entertwining with one of Mel's hands. Right then a shiver ran down her spine. Her hand was so cold.

Becca was holding Mel like that for quite a while when she felt the blonde shaking. She looked at her face. Mel was crying.

"Hey. Are you okey? What happened?" asked Becca really concerned.
"It's just... no one ever held me like that."
"You want me to stop?"
"No!" she half shouted. "I like it." Then she wrapped her hands around the brunette.

Becca was feeling so good. For once in the past month she felt... like home. Then she asked the other something she thought she'd never ask "Can I kiss you?".

Mel looked her in the eyes, green meeting hazel. Her eyes were so big in that moment, but she nodded and closed them.

Their lips touched just a bit when Becca jumped of the couch "This... is wrong. We shouldn't be doing that."

"It's ok." Mel said.
"No. It's not. Girls don't kiss other girls. It's wrong." Becca said in a rush.
"It's not wrong if it feels good. How can something that feels so good be wrong?" Mel's voice was a lot calmer. "Come here." And she took Becca's hand, making her fall back on the couch.

The brunette girl fell on her back and the blonde was on top of her, still holding her hand. The blonde approached her face, but the brunette kept pushing back until there were no more space for that. She was now in a standing position and the blonde was sitting in between her legs.

Becca hid her face in her free hand, but Mel took it off. Now both her hands were trapped. Then, Mel pushed forward until their lips touched... no... smashed together. They both closed their eyes and started moving their lips. It felt so great, so... right.

They both melted into the kiss and were kissing more and more passionately. When their tongues touched they broke the kiss, both panting and breathing heavily.

One minute later they were lost in another kiss. Now Becca's hands were both free and they were around Mel's back. Mel's hands were tangled in Becca's soft hair, playing with it. Now they were using tongue. From Becca's throat escaped a little moan and the blonde pulled away. Mel was laughing so hard that she almost chocked.

"What's so funny? It happens to everyone." Becca was annoyed.
"I know. But it's still funny... and beautiful. I want to hear you again." She was now serious. Any smile faded away from her face.
"What!?" the brunette shouted.
The blonde smirked and answered "But not now. Maybe on another day. Right now I wanna finish that chapter. You gave me the inspiration I needed."

Then the blonde climbed off the brunette girl and went straight to her laptop, picking it up and starting to write again, from where she left off.

Becca stood up and went to her bedroom without saying "good night". When she realised that, she came back. She gave Mel a little kiss on the forehead and whispered in her ear "Good night! I love you! By the way, you were right, it really feels good."

"I love you too! Good night and sweet dreams!" said the other smiling slightly.

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