[two] roommates

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They proceeded their journey of finding the room. They climbed a couple of sets of stairs and they finally stopped at a door.

He slid his ID in the slot and the door opened. Seems like his roommate isn't here yet, great. This gives Jack an opportunity to choose a side.

They place on the boxes on the bed next to the window. Jack has always loved nature. Looking at the trees, the stars at night, it was just so fascinating.

He hugged his mother and said their final goodbyes. He was sure going to miss home, but he couldn't wait to become an independent 'adult'. Pffffft, as if. He was just hoping his roommate loved to make dick jokes as much as he did.

He started unpacking his stuff. He placed his little Sam plush on his desk next to his monitor that he just set up. He's just hoping this roommate of his won't be annoyed by the whole "yelling at a camera" thing.

He glances around the dorm and notices 2 doors. He opens the first one which lead to a surprisingly spacious bathroom. He opened the other one and a kitchen is what he saw. Well, that's not what he expected. This isn't what he's always seen on TV.

He walks around a bit and decides he's had enough. He walks out the door but only to be met with an unfamiliar, fairly buff figure. They bump into each other and take a few steps back. Jack looks at him, he looks pretty familiar.

"Wait, have I seen you somewhere?" I ask and he replies with a confused look. Jack glances at his shirt and he can recognize that piece of clothing anywhere. His heart started beating faster than normal.

"You're m-markiplier?" Jack stutters. The other guy loosens up a bit and starts laughing.

"Well yeah, apparently I am!" He says in his deep voice, trying to sound like his YouTube self.

"Oh, um, hi Mark, my name is Sean, but my friends call me Jack. Also known as jacksepticeye on YouTube " Jack introduces himself as he grabs Mark's hand to shake it.

"Haven't you collabed with that one guy... Um... Piepiedew of poopie or something?" Mark questions. "Yeah, pewdiepie" Jack giggles.

"So, I guess we're roommates! This is such a coincidence!" Mark exclaims.

"Yeah, who would've thought we would end up in the same college AND the same dorm" Mark nods.

"Well hey, now I know my roommate won't be annoyed because all my loud yelling" Jack points at the camera and monitor on his desk.

"Oh yeah, I need to set mine up too" Mark turns around to his boxes and starts unpacking. "I noticed you took the bed next to the window. Kinda wanted to take it since I'm a space nerd, but nevermind" Mark giggles.

"Finders keepers" Jack sticks out his tongue at the older man.

"Also, they said our schedules should be handed out soon so we should probably move fast" Mark says.

"Oh yeah, sure" Jack and Mark leave the room and go out searching for where the worthless pieces of solid tangible stress papers are gonna be handed out.

"I hope you're not a fuckboy like these other douchebags" Mark glances around.

"Hey, is it bad that I called them that the second I walked in here" Jack laughs.

"Great minds think alike" Mark gives Jack a high five.

'I just highfived markiplier. Sweeeeeeeeet'

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