[one] dorm search

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Jack looked around, admiring the empty, cleaned out room he was standing in. The sun was peaking through the open window. Jack could hear the birds chirping on the trees outside.

Today's finally the day, college is starting. He wouldn't say he's overjoyed about it, it's just like high school, but now he actually has to share rooms with one of those assholes. He has to see them every single day, wherever he goes, they're there.

All of his friends were back in Ireland, pursuing whatever career they wanted to achieve. All Jack wanted to do was find an apartment for himself and do YouTube, but his mom would never let him.

His brother is growing up to be a writer, and you know how much shit he's gonna get for staying in front of a computer all day?

"Are you ready?" Jack's flow of thoughts was interrupted by his mother with a box in her hand. "I've got the last box"

"Um yeah, I'm done" he turns around and grab the box from her hands. He walks downstairs and takes a last glance at the house.

"You know, as much as I hated this house, I'm sure gonna miss it" Jack spoke out loud to his mom.

"We're gonna miss your loud music and yelling, sean" she laughs giving him a side hug. He giggles, still looking around.

"Come on, let's go" she pats him on the back. Jack walks along behind her and puts the last box into the car. Malcolm and his father appeared out of the door and walked towards Jack.

"We're gonna miss having you here son, even if you are a pain" Jack half smiled, cringing at what his father said. Him and his father were never really close, at all. They were always fighting, they always manage to piss each other off. The thing Jack was happy about is ditching his failure of a father.

His brother Malcolm was almost tearing up. Him and Malcolm were always the closest between the siblings. They always knew what was happening with each other's lives. They're surely gonna miss each other. Jack starts tearing up and leans in to give Malcolm a big bear hug. His older brother took him into loving arms and sinked into his shoulder.

"I'm gonna miss you, man" Jack whispers.

"I'm gonna miss you too" Malcolm replies. They part away and look at each other.

"Okay, move it kids, we're gonna be late" his mom says as she enters the car. Jack gives Malcolm a last final fast hug and enters the passenger seat. He waves goodbye to the left behind family members.


They pull up in the parking. They both stare at the big building upon them. Alot of thoughts are going through the Irishman's mind right now. He's excited, a new life, a new start.

"Nervous?" His mom glances at him.

"Kinda" Jack chuckles "it's really weird"

"Youll get used to it hun, now let's go and try to find your dorm" she gets up from the car and he follows her. She grabs 3 boxes and he grabs the big box that has his equipment in it and another medium sized box.

They enter the building and a middle-aged lady spots them and walks towards them.

"Hello! Welcome to our college, we're very happy to have you here! Just give me your name and I'll give you your ID and room number!" She looks at the papers in front of her, waiting for his name.

"Sean Mcloughlin" he smiles at her. She shuffles through the paper and places her finger on a name, probably his. "After me" she happily takes them to the front desk. She shuffles through a drawer and gives Jack a card that has his name and his picture on it.

"This is your ID, which is also your room key. You'll be able to access the library and other activities around campus. Just scan your ID against the scanners in front of you, and you'll be in. With the room, you just slide it. You can choose to put it in your wallet or we can just give you a lanyard if you need it" she talks on and on and on.

"Ill take the lanyard, just incase" Jack says so that he can stop the conversation.

"Okay, right this way to your dorm" she steps from behind the desk and exits the wooden door leading onto the huge campus. Everything is just so wide and green. Jack can hear the birds chirping, and probably some college bitches complaining about how their fakeass boyfriends cheated on them.

"You know like, he was such a badass, but he dumped me for this like, high school kid!" He heard this girl complaining.

"Yaaaaas bitch, like maybe she has like bigger breasts than you!" Jack says, making sure to sound like her. He quickly catches up with his mother and they continue looking for the dorm.

They come across this tall, classic brick dorm, like the ones you'd see in movies or in games. They entered through the door and the irishman could already smell the fuckboy scent. This was going to fun.

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