[four] party

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Mark and Jack approached the building with the lights flaring and the loud music. They could already see all the drunk people in there. They walked towards the stairs leading to the main door but found it to be extra packed to actually make it through.

They turned around and went back down the stairs and decided to go through the sides to the backyard which was were the base of the party was. They passed two guys that were making out and the youtubers kinda stared at them for a while wanting to tell them to get a room until they realized there would probably be a lot of making out at this party. I mean come on, it's college.

Turns out, they were definitely right. Various people were making out wherever you glance. Mark spotted a table that had beers and alcohol spread on it so he grabs Jack and walks towards it.

They grab a few drinks and then separate, trying to find some people they recognize. Mark bumped into some people he knew but not any of the people he would actually sit around and have a beer with.

As well as Jack, he didn't know anyone there. He's only been there a couple of days and he didn't get around to actually meeting people.

Jack pulled up his phone and dialed Mark's number, hoping he'll hear it over the loud music. He waited a few seconds before the other male actually replied.

"Hello?" Mark yelled into the phone. "Um hey, Mark, I kinda don't know anyone here other than you, so if you're busy with other people, I can just go back to our dorm" Jack said into the phone.

"No! Stay where you are! I'll come hangout, these people are assholes anyways. Where are you?" Jack smiled to himself as realized that he didn't have to go up to the dorm so early.

"I'm in the backyard next to the table that has all the drinks on it, I think you'll recognize me when you see me" Jack yelled. "Okay, I'm on my way" Mark hung up.

It took Mark around 5 minutes to find the Irishman, smiling as he approached him. As he was getting closer, that blonde girl stood infront of him.

"Hey Mark! How's the party going?" She slurred. You could easily see she was drunk as all lady balls. "Ugh, it's going good, thanks" Mark stuttered, not wanting to deal with her.

"The name's Emily by the way" the girl winked at him, making the man even more uncomfortable. He saw Jack giggling in the background and decided to man up.

"The name's Mark, but I guess you already knew that" Mark said with a sly smile. Jack laughed at his horrible attempt.

"Yeah... One thing I don't know though... Is your number" Emily smirked. "Do you want to figure out my number?" Mark smirked back.

"What was that supposed to mean?" Jack whispered and giggled. "Ooo, I'd like to" Emily said as she grabbed Mark's hand and led him inside, leaving Jack by himself.

I'll just go to the dorm, go get your girl ;D

Jack sent his friend a text message as he walked back, sipping on the last bit of whiskey he got before he left.

He approached the door to the dorms and saw how abandoned the halls were. I guess everyone was at the party, or either studying their asses off. Meh, freshmen with their studying habits.

He entered the dorm and flopped onto the bed, kicking his shoes off and pulling up his phone.

That markiplier of yours is a true babe magnet ;) he did leave me alone though, so go show him some anger for me please.

Jack tweeted out, waiting for the rage to happen. He heard his phone go off as he got a DM from pewdiepie. He jumped when he read it, still wasn't used to the famous pewdiepie talking to him.

He ditched you?

Yeah, for a girl tho.

Classic Mark. I wish you luck with the whole roommate thing :/

Wait... What?

I don't really trust that dude.

What happened?

I don't know, just don't have a good vibe. Just be careful, okay bud?

Yeah, sure :) I'm positive he's a bright lad.

okay you spud, I gotta blast.


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