Chapter 6 : Flashback

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Read the Authors note at the end!!
Hope you enjoy this ! This is e Valentine's Day chapter lol

Tommy's POV
I get into the car as Laurel turns on the engine. Last night was a turn of events, let's just say I kinda foresaw this happening but did nothing about it because I thought I could trust my friends.

*Flashback* (For last night)
The night was cold, the winds' howls constantly causing my body to shiver against its own will. I knew a storm was coming, but I didn't know it would be thunderous enough to shatter my own heart. I hoped nobody recognised me in my black trench coat, smart black trousers and black suedes. As I walked down the street I wanted to be normal and walk towards my girlfriend's house to apologise to her romantically without a reporter stalking me or harassing me . I was getting fed up of being Tommy Merlyn handsome, billionaire, playboy extraordinaire.

I'd like to keep the handsome and billionaire, but the playboy extraordinaire needed to go if I wanted to live a normal life and i will live a normal life as soon as I patch things up with Laurel. At least that's what I thought! As I walk down the street I see a flower stall, a lady maybe in her 50's was manning the stall and she had beautiful roses, hydrangeas, lilies, chrysanthemums, amaryllises, hibiscuses, tulips and many other exotic flowers decorating the stall.

I pay the lady at the flower stall for her fresh bouquet of roses, Laurel loves white, red and pink roses. I hand her the money and pull out a red rose from my bouquet and place it in her hands, "I think we need more people like you in Starling city, I guess you have a husband, give him this and never let him go!"
I say she replies to me with a huge smile. She gestures to the roses.
"Just a little advice, if the girl your giving those roses to is your loved one you'll be thinking about going home to her every day! And she'll be the mystery you'll always want to solve, and the puzzle piece that's missing! Some times history messes with our feelings and our brain, let go of the past and inhale today and the future. Good luck finding her Mr Merlyn, she maybe right in front of your eyes hidden in plain sight just step away for awhile look at the whole picture from a distance, it's always there you may just fail to notice." She finishes.

I grab my wallet and pull out $250 and give it to her. She refuses, "You talk to me like a normal person. Not a murderer's son, or a playboy. The money Is a gift you can't say no to!" I say smiling. "My advice is free, just remember the closer you look the less you see!" She says putting the money back in my hands and pushing me out onto the pavement (sidewalk for Americans).

I speed walk to Laurel's house and arrive there in a short time, what I see shocks me to my very core, what the hell? I look at the window properly and pinch myself making sure I am not dreaming. In Laurel's apartment I see a shirtless Oliver Queen making out with Laurel Lance my girlfriend. The first thing I see is red, a fuelled rage burning deep within my bones then the wind cools me down allowing my jealousy to subside and my rage to cool down.

Some times history messes with our feelings and our brain, let go of the past and inhale today and the future. The florists voice resonates in my head again and again telling me that I should've listened. I walk as fast as I can in the opposite direction. My brain is going crazy, a whirlwind of thoughts.

Is Laurel my past she was talking about?
I have no idea how long I walk for letting my feet carry me until I see very familiar green sign. Verdant. I shove the flowers in the trash can near the back entrance. The bouncer allows me in without a second look, I sit at the bar ordering 12 shots and I sit there thinking. 

"She'll be the mystery you'll always want to solve, and the puzzle piece that's missing!" Who is Someone who I find interesting and someone who I always wonder about?

"She maybe right in front of your eyes hidden in plain sight just step away for awhile look at the whole picture from a distance."
Who is always in the background quiet, unseen and has always been there for me? I think back to all the past events.

When I found out who the Arrow was? Diggle, Thea, Roy, Laurel and......................Felicity Smoak.

When my father turned out to be a psycho? Oliver, Moira, Thea,Laurel, Sara, Raisa and......................Felicity Smoak.

When I nearly died? Oliver, Laurel, Sara, Thea, Roy, Digg, Moira,
and......................Felicity Smoak.

When Ollie left for months? Diggle, Thea, Roy, Laurel, Sara
and......................Felicity Smoak.

Realisation dawns on me, since we all found out about the SHIELD stuff she's been on my mind, and I sort of felt pity for her then I realised she doesn't need my pity she's one of the strongest most intelligent people I know. Actually now that I think about it she's the only intelligent and strong person I know.
"it's always there you may just fail to notice."
The florist was right. I just needed to take a step back and notice.
"The closer you look the less you see!" I finally understand what I have to do.

I know that I have got to win the heart and mind of Felicity Smoak,
because she already has both of mine!

*End of Flashback*

Tommy's POV
"Laurel I can't do this anymore, this dance we both do where we both get together then move apart I'm done playing games. So I'm going to come all out. I saw you and Ollie yesterday in your apartment through the window, having... I drank so much! To get over it and finally something clicked into place I don't love you, I only ever thought that well Laurel Is something I can't get, because your too good for me and Ollie had you. So you became a goal something I thought if I have I'll be better than Ollie. But now I know I need to let go of my past and inhale today and the future!" I say. She just looks at me and carries on driving like nothing I have said has had no significance to her.

"Stop the car!" I shout, she pulls over. "I need you to understand Laurel I don't want to be Merlyn Junior, or Oliver Queen's best friend I want to be my own person, my own man, wether you like it or not. " I let out a huge breath happy that I have shown courage and followed my heart.

"You can't leave me Tommy." I see a single tear shed from Her left eye.
"You have Oliver, and you know it, I was always second but I don't want to be anymore. I want a girl who will only have me as her first and I want her to be so in love with me that she won't need a second man to turn to and I think I've found that girl but I need you to let me go first Laurel." She cries even more and I hug her and kiss her forehead.
"I'm so so sorry Tommy for everything .............. But I can't let you go. I still love you!" She says, "You can't do this to me Laurel I'm not going to let you." I say as I exit the car thinking She has no right! How can she do this to me? After everything! I grab a taxi to QC and head up to the top floor, I call my assistant at Merlyn Global and tell him to grab the stuff for the meeting and meet me at QC.

I walk out of the elevator onto the top floor  and see the most beautiful sight, I see the girl who's stolen my mind and heart, sat in a chair with her hair down and a red pen In between her glistening white teeth.

Authors note
I am really sorry for the late update, my holidays just started which means relatives will be coming over, can't wait! Yay! 😁☹️😟
So as a reward to my amazing readers on the
18th February I will post 3 WHOLE chapters, you did read right I said three whole chapters. And I will update every Friday.
Please. Read, vote and comment!

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