Chapter 9 : The Mission Is To Terminate HYDRA (Or Just Grant Ward)Pt 1

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Authors note

I'm not going to do the other world Jemma Simmons' went to 'cause it would get really complicated and remember this is an AU. Let's just say she does go to the planet but survives by herself. And she comes back and HYDRA doesn't care about any of that other world stuff they just are planning for world domination. Also Merlyn is Ra's Al Ghul with Nyssa as second in command, because i love Nyssa Al Ghul's character too much not to have her as 2nd. By the way Ra's Al Ghul is the head of the League of Assassins. Tommy Merlyn's dad is Ra's.


Grant Ward's POV

I knew this would happen, May and Coulson always going back to their "daughter", since Fury is dead who else would they go to. They have Skye, and the inhumans but they are nothing compared to Felicity, I want to help Fel reach her full potential, then maybe i'll take her back.

I know she still wants me, and her crush on Queen was just another crush, i'll let her dream. Once she's reached her full potential she will want me back and Coulson will be crushed. I'll never make her leave like Fury did, SHE'S MINE! "Prepare they will all be here soon, rig the entire building with C4, all of you get armed with a weapon each and BE prepared, we have 250 of us, strength in numbers and skill, but they will have something up their sleeves!" i shout whilst preparing my troupes. "Also be careful with the inhumans. Malick (Evil HYDRA man from season 3) wants them all in one piece."

Felicity's POV

*Felicity's house*

"I've tracked him to a warehouse in Las Vegas." I shout into the phone. "That ass wipe! He's gone to my home town Arghh!" (My sister says ass wipe for some reason.What does it even mean?)

After May told me i ran home and grabbed my SHIELD uniform, whilst she informed the whole team (Her's and mine) about Ward and why we both hate his guts. And Tommy being the gentleman he is decided to come with me to my house, and right now he was laughing at me! "What's an ass wipe?" He asks trying to hold in his laughter. I smile and say "Tommy the definition of an ass wipe is...............................................YOU!" Over the phone i can hear Thea, Laurel, Sara and Roy also Coulson's team snickering. I forgot to end the call! SUGAR! They heard that!

"I'll be there in ten May you bought the 'Bus' right?" i ask, the bus is the best aeroplane that SHIELD has at the moment but Fury probably has some other aircraft invention being made. "yes" she repies and i can still here people laughing so i cut the phone. I grab Tommy's hand and pull him out of my house and to the door of my car. "Let's go!"

*10 mins later* (Foundry)

We are all geared up and ready to go including Team Arrow, everyone is getting onto the invisible 'Bus' when Tommy pulls me away and hugs me. "I love you Felicity Smoak, in case anything hap-"

i cut him of with a kiss. "Come on." i say dragging him to the areoplane.

"Well that's a way to shut me up!" He shouts aloud.

Everyone gathers around the glass holograph-table, and Coulson starts talking.

" The Mission Is To Terminate HYDRA, Or Just Grant Ward!"

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