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do you remember when we went to the beach?

you cried because the ocean wasn't nearly the shade of blue you'd seen in all the pictures, and then you locked yourself in the bedroom for two days.

i slept on one of the balcony chairs, but i only minded a little. i didn't even care that it was cold, or windy; i just wanted to sleep next to you. somehow, your warmth is the softest.

when you finally opened the door, you smelled terrible. still, i let you hug me.

i let you fall limp in my arms.

i let you cry about how life was unfair; how the ocean should be bright blue like my eyes; how popsicles should look like they do on the packaging.

i let you be disappointed in everything, even me.

on the drive home, you played your cello music for three hours, singing along to the tune.
your impromptu lyrics were the best song I've ever heard.

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