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Dan's P.O.V

I have to tell him. But how. How do I tell my best friend that I'm moving to America and won't see him for along time

Flashback to that morning brought to you by Dan's flower crowns

"Daniel! Son, your mother and I need to talk to you about something important." A couple in their 30's said. A young boy about the age of 11 ran to them.

"Yes Papa?" The young boy asked. He had brown wavy hair and big shiny brown eyes. He was wearing a Muse shirt, black shorts and socks. One sock, which was purple, was up to the middle of his calf and the other, which was green with blue polka dots, was rolled down to his ankle. He was smiling showing a big gap where his two front teeth would be.

"Daniel. I'm afraid that because of your father's work we're going to be moving to America." The boy's mother said causing the boy's smile to disappear from his face.

"Oh. Ok." He said as he fought tears.

"Oh Daniel. You'll get plenty of friends in America." She says and hugged the young boy. They separate and the boy nodded his head before running to his room.

Present Time

Why am I so worried? I mean I don't think a 16 year old will miss an 11 year old. He's probably got plenty of friends and won't realize I'm gone. But still. How can I tell him?

I thought about it for five minutes. All ending with us not being friends anymore. I shrugged before smiling, a real smile because I was happy to see Phil and opened my window. I climbed on the roof under my window that stopped right before Phil's started. I walked down the little ramp before crossing to Phil's side and knocking on his window.

"One second!" he called followed by a few crashes. the curtains separated and the window opens revealing Phil with his black hair all messed up. The sight of Phil caused me to smile goofily.

"Hello Phil!" I said to him as he got out of the way.

"Hi Dan. What's up?" He asked as I sat on his window sill. I kicked my legs back and forth.

"Well. My Papa got a new job and they're making us move to America! So we won't be able to hang out anymore." I said and grabbed his big hands in my small ones. I looked him in the eyes as I tried not to cry.

"When are you leaving?" Phil asked me.

"At the end of the week." I said and my lip quivered. Phil let go of my hands and wrapped his arms around my small body as I cried.

"Don't cry Dan. We'll see each other someday." He said and I sniffled.

"B-But I don't wanna leave! You're my only friend and I don't want to leave to a whole new country where I don't know anyone!" I said and wiped away my tears.

"Hey. How about we make the most of it till you leave! We can play whatever you want Dan. I had plans today with friends but I can cancel. I can see them everyday." Phil suggested.

"Really?!" I asked and he shook his head. Phil helped me in his room before grabbing his phone and falling on his bed. I ran to the book shelf which was full of video games and grabbed Mario Kart and Crash Bandicoot 2 (I don't know what that game is just remember that they like it.. right?) I put in Mario Kart and grabbed two controllers before sitting on the ground, waiting for Phil to be done with his phone call. I looked over and he was arguing with the other person before hanging up and coming over to me. He sat down and grabbed a controller.

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